Thomas Pearce is a transdisciplinary design researcher, practitioner and educator, whose practice straddles the boundaries between architectural design and digital fabrication, historical reconstruction and speculation, performance and technological subversion. As a researcher and teacher, he is driven by curiosity, a passion for figuring out, and learning through collaboration. Thomas’ work (thomaspearce.xyz) situates the potential of technologies of digital capture, simulation and fabrication between their capacity as tools for increased precision on the one hand and as generators of new uncertainties and creative possibilities on the other.
Thomas holds a B.A. and M.A. (KU Leuven, Belgium) in Cultural History and a B.Sc. (TU Berlin), M.Arch. and PhD (Bartlett, University College London) in Architectural Design. Before being appointed at the Bauhaus-University Weimar, he was a Lecturer at the Bartlett School of Architecture, where he taught as an undergraduate unit master (UG8, 2014-2019) and was module coordinator and tutor in the Design for Manufacture MArch programme. He has also taught at the Architectural Association in London (2013-2017) and has been a guest critic at, amongst others, the University of Greenwich, Syracuse University, the University of California San Diego, the UdK Berlin and the University of Toronto.