Unsere beiden Bachelor-Studiengänge Architektur und Urbanistik liefern das grundständige Rüstzeug für Ihren Einstieg in den Beruf.
The Bachelor of Architecture study course is divided into three successive years that build on each other. After a two-week introductory course in the first semester, all students follow a curriculum that focuses on a specific central theme each year. This is reflected in the content of the core modules:
The first year of study communicates basic design and presentation skills along with the fundamental principles of architectural design. Accompanying lectures provide a basic theoretical foundation for the following two years.
In the second year, design and construction and urban design are the main areas of focus.
In the third year, students can spend one semester in a partner university in Germany or abroad, or a period in professional practice, supported by tutors and exchange programmes. The final core module can be chosen freely from the range of projects offered by the departments.
In the sixth and final semester, students complete and present a Bachelor Thesis to be undertaken alongside the core module. Accompanying lectures and seminars supplement the coursework and provide related background knowledge on the topics of the core modules. The Bachelor Thesis provides an opportunity to independently examine an aspect of one of the core modules from Bachelor studies in greater detail. Students can elect to undertake a theoretical or scientific analysis of one of the core modules or to elaborate on design-specific details. If desired, the final thesis can also focus on a topic not covered in the core modules.
The standard duration of studies for the undergraduate Bachelor of Architecture study programme is six semesters. After completion and defence of the Bachelor degree, the Faculty of Architecture awards the student the academic degree of »Bachelor of Science« (B. Sc.).
All prospective students must apply for a place in this procedure, even if they wish to transfer from another university to the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. We will only check whether and which achievements can be credited after we have confirmed a study place.
To gain admission to the bachelor’s degree programme in Architecture, candidates must have a general university entrance qualification or equivalent certificate (e.g. high school diploma, A-levels, etc.). Candidates must also pass a two-part aptitude assessment test administered by the university to ensure that the candidate possesses specific academic skills required for the study of Architecture. In addition to considering the average grade of your university entrance qualification, the admissions board evaluates your creative ability, constructive comprehension, artistic skills and spatial cognition – in short, the admissions board assesses your personal, subject-specific qualification for study.
We recommend that applicants complete an architecture-related internship of up to 12 weeks before applying. Such internships have a positive effect on the evaluation of the aptitude assessment test.
Candidates may only apply for enrolment in the winter semester.
Please consider that the B.Sc. Architecture is in German language. A proof of sufficient language proficiency for university study in Germany (DSH-2 or TestDaF TDN 4) will be required.
Please include the following with your application:
Submissions by fax or e-mail are not accepted.
Application deadline
The application deadline for participation in the next aptitude assessment test is July 15, which means the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar must receive all of your documents by July 15 at the latest.
Please note: documents are only submitted digitally via portal.
The two-part aptitude assessment test is comprised of the general university entrance qualification and an examination of the candidate’s subject-specific aptitude. Candidates fulfil the subject-specific prerequisites by attaining a total score of 60 out of 100 possible points. The candidates must achieve more than 35 points in the first part of the test to be allowed to participate in the second part.
Part 1
Candidates are only eligible for the aptitude assessment test if all the application documents are complete and submitted on time. Therefore, please apply early! In this first part, candidates are assessed as follows:
Part 2
The second part of the aptitude assessment test takes place in Weimar sometime during the second half of July. Your physical presence is necessary to participate. Shortly after passing the first part of the test, you will be invited to Weimar to take the second part in the final weeks of July. At this session, the candidates are assessed as follows:
In cases of hardship or unusual circumstances, an alternative test date or test question can be arranged.
Candidates, who do not reside in Germany or who have visa problems, can request to have the test questions sent by e-mail to them, which must be completed and returned by a certain date.
Students may only enrol in the bachelor’s degree programme in Architecture after passing the aptitude assessment test. The assessment results are sent to the candidates shortly after the second part of the test is completed. The assessment is valid only for the academic year for which the candidate has applied for enrolment.
If you have passed the aptitude assessment test, please send the following documents to the Student Office:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
99423 Weimar
Enrolment deadline
The enrolment period ends on 30 September each year. After you have officially enrolled, the Student Office will send you a package of relevant information and study materials. For more information about enrolment, click here.
During your studies for the Bachelor of Science in Architecture, you will learn to draw up architectural designs, concepts and studies. Through practical work in the field and in the context of architectural offices you will gain an insight into the responsibilities of the architect for the environment and society and with respect to history and the client. As part of your studies, you will also learn how to apply your basic knowledge to other fields such as public relations, the social sciences and art.
If you are interested in continuing your education with a more in-depth qualification, your bachelor’s degree enables you to embark on a Master’s degree programme leading to a further or vocational qualification. According to the rules of the German Federal Chamber of Architects, graduates are entitled to enrol in the registry of architects and to bear the professional designation as an architect only after successfully completing a relevant Master’s degree and demonstrating sufficient practical experience (typically two years). An ideal means of obtaining this qualification is to continue your studies with our consecutive Master’s Degree in Architecture.
The study course is predominantly project-based with a strong emphasis on social and planning sciences and the architectural and spatial skills required by town planners. Alongside the planning project, the core module, a mix of parallel compulsory and elective modules communicate a fundamental background in the social sciences, design and planning policy. The study course has three main pillars: a strong basis in the social sciences, the architectural design of the built environment and an international orientation.
The course covers a breadth of topics required for the planning professions. The standard duration of this complex qualification is therefore eight semesters.
The core subject areas introduce students to the dimensions of social action required for practicing in the field and that are essential for relevant academic research:
_ town planning and socio-scientific urban research
_ theory, history and politics of the city and planning
_ urban design, housing and urban conservation
_ economics and technical infrastructure of spatial planning
All coursework is conducted in German. In the sixth semester, students spend a period abroad studying at a partner university or working with a practice partner. Students from abroad can spend this semester studying at another university in Germany.
In addition, before beginning the final thesis, students are required to complete 10 weeks of practical experience in Germany. This period gives students an opportunity to examine the German planning culture first-hand and students are expected to apply what they have learned in projects of their own. We recommend placements with planning authorities at an urban or regional level or comparable institutions as well as in public or non-public planning areas, for example in commercial planning offices, non-government organisations or research institutes.
After completion and defence of the final thesis the Faculty of Architecture awards students the qualification of »Bachelor of Science« (B. Sc.). This eight semesterqualification is recognised by the German Federal Chamber of Architects and entitles the holder, on completion of a necessary period in professional practice as a town planner, to officially enrol in the registry of architects.
Bewerbung zur Eignungsfeststellung
Wenn Sie Interesse an grundlegenden Fragestellungen und am Erwerb von Kenntnissen zur öffentlichen Steuerung der Stadtentwicklung, an der Entwicklung neuer Formate und sinnvoller, wie innovativer Instrumente der Stadt- und Raumplanung haben, dann erfüllen Sie beste Voraussetzungen für ein erfolgreiches Bachelor- Studium bei uns.
Voraussetzung für den Bachelor-Studiengang Urbanistik ist neben der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Eignungsfeststellungsprüfung. Die Teilnahme am Eignungsverfahren setzte eine Online-Bewerbung voraus.
So können Sie sich Bewerben:
1. Bitte füllen Sie das Interview und Online-Bewerbungsformular aus.
2. Bitte laden Sie dann die im Programm nötigen Unterlagen hoch:
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Unterlagen ausschließlich digital über das Portal einzureichen sind. Eine Bewerbung per Telefax und E-Mail ist nicht zulässig.
Die Bewerbungsunterlagen werden nach dem „Absenden“ im Online Portal geprüft. Nach erfolgreicher Prüfung der Unterlagen wird die Einladung zum Eignungsgespräch über das Onlineportal versandt. Je nach Bewerbungseingang, kann die Einladung sehr kurzfristig erfolgen, daher ist eine rechtzeitige Bewerbung sinnvoll.
Für die Teilnahme am Test und dem Gespräch ist persönliches Erscheinen an der Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik Voraussetzung.
Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben.
ist der 15. Juli des Jahres
Ausstehende Leistungsnachweise sind kein Hinderungsgrund für die Bewerbung
Die Eignungsfeststellungsgespräche für den Bachelor Urbanistik im Institut für Europäische Urbanistik, statt. Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Die Immatrikulation im Studiengang Urbanistik kann erst erfolgen, wenn die Eignungsfeststellung erfolgreich absolviert wurde. Die Eignungsbescheide werden zeitnah nach dem Eignungsgespräch verschickt.
Die Immatrikulationsfrist endet am 30. September. Informationen zur Immatrikulation finden Sie hier.
Die Eignungsbescheide sind insgesamt für 2 akademische Jahre gültig: für das Studienjahr Ihrer Bewerbung und für das darauf folgende Studienjahr.
nur zum jeweiligen Wintersemester.
Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar berücksichtig die besonderen Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen, einer psychischen oder einer chronischen Erkrankung bereits bei der Bewerbung auf einen Studiengang. Zu diesen Beeinträchtigungen gehören z.B. AD(H)S, Bewegungsbeeinträchtigungen, chronische körperliche Erkrankungen (z.B. Morbus Crohn), Legasthenie, psychische Erkrankungen oder Seh-, Hör- und Sprechbeeinträchtigungen.
Beeinträchtigte Studieninteressierte haben die Möglichkeit, einen Nachteilsausgleich für das Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren zu beantragen. Ein Nachteilsausgleich bedeutet nicht, dass die Antragstellenden Vorteile gegenüber anderen Studieninteressierten erhalten, sondern er schafft Bedingungen, welche die Nachteile, die für Beeinträchtige bestehen, ausgleichen.
Wenn Sie einen Antrag auf einen Nachteilsausgleich stellen möchten, beachten Sie bitte Folgendes: Anträge auf einen Nachteilsausgleich für das Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren sind spätestens zum 22. Juni einzureichen. Ihre Beeinträchtigung ist glaubhaft zu machen, hierzu wird meist ein ärztliches Attest oder in begründeten Einzelfällen ein amtsärztliches Attest verlangt. Sie können eine bestimmte Form des Ausgleichs für das Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren vorschlagen. Den Antrag auf Nachteilsausgleich stellen Sie bitte schriftlich, die Entscheidung dazu wird Ihnen schriftlich mitgeteilt.
Weitere Informationen zum Nachteilsausgleich finden Sie auf der Webseite der Beauftragten für chronisch kranke und behinderte Studierende der Bauhaus-Universität: www.uni-weimar.de/de/universitaet/studium/beratungsmoeglichkeiten/studieren-mit-beeintraechtigung/ . Fragen zum Nachteilsausgleich beantwortet Ihnen die Fachstudienberatung oder die Beauftragte für chronisch kranke und behinderte Studierende.
Der Antrag auf Nachteilsausgleich ist bis spätestens 22. Juni per Post zu schicken an:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik
Institut für Europäische Urbanistik
D-99421 Weimar (Germany)
As a study course with practical project-oriented and research-oriented components, the Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning degree course qualifies graduates to work in municipal and federal government authorities and other research institutions as experts for the spatial dimension of planning and development.
Public town planning has been instrumental in creating the conditions for an enormous increase in the standard and quality of life in many countries, especially in the second half of the 20th century, and today places new demands on the analysis and planning of spatial transformations. As a consequence the field of work both in professional practice as well as in research are changing continually.
Graduates of the Urban Planning course often go on to work as town planners in public administration, for example with municipal, regional or national planning authorities. They also work in private planning offices, in private companies, social organisations and policy consultancy agencies. A further field of work is in research, either in conjunction with an academic teaching position or in one of the many research institutes. International organisations are also increasingly seeking professional graduates with a background in Urban Studies.
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Study programme | Degree | standard duration | Application procedure | Application deadline |
Bachelor Architecture | Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) | 6 | aptitude assessment test | only winter semester: 31 July 2022 |
Bachelor Urban Planning | Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) | 8 | aptitude assessment test | only winter semester: 15 July |
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