Projects Archive

Student team
Exhibition Inflatable project, Seven Basare, Christian Manzano, Diadem Ödems, Beatrice Perlato, Ksenija Tajsic, Quan Zhou
Inflatable modular pavilion
Inflatable modular pavilion
Ractive detail, inflatable modular pavilion
Published: 01 April 2020

SDE21_urban hub

A small building of information is to be developed in a process of coordination of planning. This point of information without any supervisor indicates the activities of the research initiative „ENERGIEWENDEBAUEN“ and the competition „SDE21_urban hub“. It is supposed to inform a multitude of interested visitors about the latest concepts and strategies on the way to the energy transition. This building of information aims at different target groups and presents content by diverse formats. Digital media as a mediation of sound, light, image, or text can be integrated into architectural modules. It can contribiute to a participatory or interactive communication of information.

In the project competition papers are compiled to the competition „SDE21_urban hub“. Teams of MediaArchitecture students with apprentices can join in. These teams have to consist of at least two different disciplines. The best ideas can be submitted up to the 24th of April in 2020. You can find the complete public offer of the award under

MediaArchitecture Introductory Project-Module

Winter semester 2019/20

The project will be taught interdisciplinary by professors and academic assistances of the study programme MediaArchitecture of the faculties Architecture and Urbanism and Art and Design.

The project is structured in three parts with plenum review. 

In the first part students will develop theoretical and design concepts. Parallel students will learn in seminars how to apply different media tools and technologies. 

In the second part students will combine the concepts with different technical systems or devices multimedia-based and interactive and develop a contribution to the competition. 

Finally workable prototype modules will be designed up to scale 1:1. All projects will be presented for the Go4 spring exhibition at the end of semester.

The project is a Bauhaus.module and open for students from faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Art and Design and Media.

Website of the competition:

Go4spring website



Professur Bauformenlehre

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Des. Bernd Rudolf

Professur Darstellungsmethodik

Prof. Andreas Kästner

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Zierold

Junior Professur Computational Architecture

Junior-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König

Gast: Dipl.-Des. Susa Pop, Public Art Lab Berlin



Sevgin Basari

Paulina Magdalena Chwala

Daria Dordina

Girma Hiwot

Rukaiya Binte Karim

Tobias Mathes

Lennart Benedict Oberlies

Didem Zeynep Odemis

Beatrice Perlato

Christian Rene Manzano Schlamp

Shahab Tahmasebi

Ksenija Tajsic

Ruo-Xuan Wu

Quan Zhou