Experimenting, exchanging ideas and learning with enthusiasm: The newly founded Science Discovery Centre at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s Marienstraße 7 welcomes children and youth to broaden their knowledge in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and gain professional inspiration.
Feel the energy of the holidays as you build your own paper circuits, explore the details of the season with our microscopes, slow down the hustle and bustle of life as you build with the Soma Cube and experience the magic of Advent as you make your own reindeer lava lamp.
We can accommodate a maximum of 20 students at a time in the SDC.
If any of your students have a disability or require special assistance to participate, please let us know in advance so that we can make appropriate adjustments.
Sie wollen Ihre Schüler*innen in den Themenfeldern der MINT-Studiengänge (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik) stark machen und ihnen helfen, die richtige Studienentscheidung zu treffen?
Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar bietet ein attraktives Angebot für Schüler*innengruppen, bei dem die MINT-Studiengänge mit besonderem Fokus auf Informatik und Bauingenieurwesen greifbar werden. In interaktiven Experimenten können sich Schüler*innen mit Interesse an technischen Studiengängen ausprobieren. Insgesamt gliedert sich der Parcours in zwölf Stationen, welche reale Einblicke in die Studieninhalte bieten. Unter fachkompetenter Anleitung können Schüler*innengruppen den Parcours vollständig oder – je nach Zeit und Interessenlage – einen ausgewählten Teil der angebotenen Stationen absolvieren.
Unser Parcours bietet:
Teilnehmerzahl: bis zu 25 Schüler*innen (empfohlen für 10.-12. Klasse)
Dauer: 2-3 Stunden für den gesamten Parcours (je nach Gruppengröße)
Wir ermöglichen individuelle Parcours-Termine für Ihre Schulklasse. Kontaktieren Sie uns!
Der Aufbau des »Meine Zukunft MINT« - Parcours wurde durch das Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung (TKG www.tkg-info.de) und den Freistaat Thüringen unterstützt.
As an alternative to the MINT Parcours or Experiment Boxes, which offer a variety of stations with different focuses, teachers have the option to request specific topics or focuses for their students to work on during a visit to the Science Discovery Centre. By choosing a particular topic, we will create a dynamic program tailored to the requested content, visit duration, and grade level. However, some of the more complex topics may require preparatory work to be completed in school before the visit. Therefore, we kindly ask teachers to contact us well in advance to ensure a seamless learning experience.
Teachers can find a list of currently available topics and focuses below. We are continually adding new activities and topics to our repertoire, so we encourage you to check our website regularly.
Topic | Focus | Example Activities |
Biology | Hygiene | Experiments with soap (elementary) |
Chemistry | Polarity | Create lava lamps with oil and water (elementary) |
Chemistry/Physics | Color | Rainbow in a glass, Chromotography |
Gases | Experiments with CO2 und O2 | |
Physics | Viscosity | Experiments with starches, create slime |
Pressure | Diver in a bottle | |
Technology | Robotics | SPIKE, Caliope |
Elektronics | Circuits | |
Engineering | Forces and stability | Towers, Bridges |
Mathematics | Geometry | SOMA-Cube, Quadratic puzzle |
The Science Discovery Centre offers experiment boxes that can either be used on-site by school classes or borrowed by local teachers for use in their own classrooms. The boxes are highly flexible and can be combined in any way to suit the specific needs of students. Their availability depends on whether they are currently at the centre or have already been borrowed. These materials provide an excellent opportunity to bring science topics to life in a hands-on and engaging way.
These are the experiment boxes we currently have in stock.
School teachers are welcome to contact us for more information, to arrange a visit, or to borrow the experiment boxes.
Starting in the fall of 2025, the Science Discovery Centre will offer exciting Escape Rooms. These provide visitors with the opportunity to explore scientific and technological topics in a fun and engaging way. As they work together to solve challenging puzzles, participants will learn more about scientific concepts and applications through interactive and entertaining activities. The goal is to escape the room by collaborating and thinking creatively while gaining valuable insights into the world of science and technology.
More information coming soon!
Discover the exciting world of science! Our project afternoons offer teenagers the opportunity to participate in fun and educational projects that take place over several weeks (4-6 weeks).
In small groups, teenagers can experiment, explore, and unleash their creativity. The projects are designed to make science engaging and to foster a love of discovery and learning.
From chemical experiments and physical phenomena to natural sciences and technology – there’s something for everyone! Together, we’ll explore exciting topics and ask questions like real scientists.
The project afternoons take place regularly at the center and provide teenagers with a unique opportunity to discover and deepen their interest in science. Join us and become part of our science adventure!
We look forward to seeing you there!
More information soon!
Join us for exciting science day camps designed for children and teenagers of all ages! These camps will be held during the school Easter break and fall break, offering hands-on activities, experiments, and fun projects tailored to each age group. During the long summer break, we’ll also host special Summer Fun Days packed with even more science-themed adventures. Dates and detailed information will be announced soon, so stay tuned for the chance to explore, experiment, and have fun with science!
More information soon!
Open Lab Days give students the opportunity to discover the exciting world of science. At our Science Discovery Centre, they can decide for themselves which projects they want to work on - whether it's growing crystals, building small robots or researching exciting chemical reactions.
The aim is to awaken the fun and fascination of scientific experiments and at the same time promote creative and research skills. Our supervisors are on hand to support and inspire the children with their projects.
More information will follow soon!
The Science Discovery Centre regularly hosts special events that are open to the whole family. Highlights include the MINT Christmas, featuring exciting experiments and creative workshops focused on science and technology in a festive atmosphere, and the Long Night of Science, where visitors of all ages can participate in a variety of scientific activities and engage hands-on. These events offer a unique opportunity to explore science in a fun and interactive way while learning together as a family.
More information for these events is published under >News<.
Am 25. April 2024 ist der bundesweite Girls' Day und dieses Jahr bietet die Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften ein eigenes Programm für Schülerinnen an!
Unter dem Motto "Brückenbau im Test - Schülerinnen erobern Wind und Wetter" werden wir mit einfachen Materialien und viel Fantasie originelle Brückenkonstruktionen entwerfen. Im Windkanal des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau werden wir unsere Meisterwerke dann unter extremen Bedingungen auf die Probe stellen. Der Workshop erfordert Kreativität, Teamarbeit, die Missachtung physikalischer Gesetze und verspricht jede Menge Spaß.
Macht mit beim Girls' Day 2024 und erfahrt mehr über die Studienmöglichkeiten im Bereich Bauingenieurwesen an unserer Universität und schnuppert für einen Tag in das Universitätsleben.
» weitere Infos zu Workshopinhalten
Im Anschluss an den Workshop könnt ihr euch mit den Workshopleiter*innen und mit unseren Bauhaus.Botschafter*innen aus Informatik und Bauingenieurwesen austauschen und mehr über das Studium an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar erfahren. Nach einer kurzen Führung über den Campus der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar geht's gemeinsam zum Mittagessen in die Mensa.
Für eure Teilnahme erhaltet ihr ein Zertifikat und ein kleines Goodie-Bag von uns!
Wir freuen uns darauf, euch hier bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Interessierte Schülerinnen melden sich bitte bis 23. April 2024 bei isabel.vila.cabanes[at]uni-weimar.de oder direkt auf der Girls‘ Day Website an.
Zielgruppe: 10. bis 12. und ggf. 13. Klasse
Max. Teilnehmendenzahl: 20 Plätze
Zeitraum: 08:30 – 13:30 Uhr
Treffpunkt: Hauptgebäude der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8, 99423 Weimar
Ansprechperson: Dr. Isabel Vila Cabanes (isabel.vila.cabanes[at]uni-weimar.de)
What is it like to study at university? What subjects do they teach? How much will it cost? Where can I live? What are the study conditions like?
During the Schnupperstudium courses from 21 October 2024 to 25 October 2024, you get to experience university life first-hand and finally ask any questions you have about studying at university. The trial course programme allows you to participate in suitable courses in your prospective degree programme, visit the laboratories and workshops, become acquainted with the study conditions and the campus, receive intensive academic advising, and enjoy cultural and recreational activities.
» Registration (starts at 1 June 2024)
Junior students conquer the lecture halls: The Kinderuni Weimar deals with many interesting topics as part of its lecture program for young students. The sponsors are the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Volkshochschule Weimar, the DNT Weimar, the Children's Office and the Weimar City Council. Together, they offer a total of 8 lectures during the regular academic year to young students ages 8 to 12 in a variety of fields, including music, design, art, civil engineering, cosmology, biology, mathematics, media studies and medicine.
The Kinderuni Weimar offers its afternoon lectures on a semester basis. At the start of each academic year in September, the Kinderuni organizes a campus day for school classes. Here, students from the 4th to 7th classes experience exciting lectures from various fields of knowledge and get the opportunity to do some research themselves. The summer semester starts with a family lecture.
The patron of the Kinderuni Weimar is the astrophysicist, natural philosopher and author Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch.
Further information and registration at: www.kinderuni-weimar.de
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