These financial resources are allocated as seed funding for applications in national and European programmes and for the acquisition of corresponding third-party funding projects in the funding lines ‘Professors‘ and ‘Postdocs‘. The funds are therefore not meant to be used for the immediate implementation of research proposals and project.
Both funding lines, 'Professor' and 'Postdoc', are usually announced in the first quarter of each year. In addition, there may be a further call for applications in the second half of the year.
All information and documents relating to the respective call for applications will be published here in good time or announced in the newsletter and by email to the faculties.
This year (2025), the Seed Financing Fund will open probably in September.
With this fund, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is providing seed financing to support initiatives that create structures for forward-looking, interdisciplinary research activities (e.g. research groups, graduate schools, special research programmes, research centres) and projects and sustainably increase and boost the University’s profile in terms of its public image and international visibility. In addition, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is aiming to support both collaborative projects and individual applications requiring significant preparatory work. These require particular justification to warrant seed financing.
Newly appointed professors are given the opportunity to apply for start-up financing for preparing their first initial application at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. This initial application can be made to a funding body and in a funding format that is expedient for establishing the professorship in the relevant field of research.
Professorships in all faculties are entitled to apply.
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar supports its postdocs at the beginning of their academic careers by providing them with financial support for preparing promising research applications for third-party funding (DFG research grants with own position/”DFG-Sachbeihilfe mit eigener Stelle”, Walter Benjamin-Programme or similar). The University also helps advanced postdocs, who have already proven themselves in their relevant subject area by providing financial support for applications for third-party funds to establish their own junior research group (Emmy Noether Programme, Heisenberg Programme, Marie Curie Fellowship, ERC or similar).
Applicants can choose between two different funding modules: ‘own position’ funding model 1; ‘other personnel, equipment and resources’ funding model 2 or in combination with one another.
Applications are open to:
Untersuchung von Offshore-Monopile-Gründungen unter kombinierter hochzyklischer und seismischer Beanspruchung (DFG-Sachbeihilfe)
Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Staubach
Economics of Serendipity (DFG-Sachbeihilfe)
Medien - Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rösch
Scales of Impermanence - Snow never stops falling
(Volkswagenstiftung - Open Up)
Kunst und Gestaltung - Prof. Kerstin Ergenzinger
Social Risks of Large Language Models (DFG-Sachbeihilfe)
Medien - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maurice Jakesch
Working Matter. Arbeit und das Aktivische in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Gestaltung (DFG-Sachbeilhilfe)
Kunst und Gestaltung - Prof. Christof Windgätter
Innovation Culture and Business Model Dynamics (DFG-Sachbeilhilfe)
Medien - Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunz
Bahnhöfe als neue Knotenpunkte der multimodalen Mobilität - Erforschung von Best-Practice-Projekten in Europe (Volkswagenstiftung "Change!" - Fellowships and Research Groups)
Architektur und Urbanistik – Dr. Steffen de Rudder (gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck – Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen und Prof. Dr. Reinhard König – Architektur und Urbanistik)
Advancing Indoor Climate Studies (DFG-Sachbeihilfe - Eigene Stelle)
Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen - Amayu Wakoya Gena
UrbanAI (DFG-Sachbeihilfe - Eigene Stelle)
Architektur und Urbanistik - Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik
Die Verräumlichung sozial-ökologischer Transformationskonflikte: Das Beispiel der kommunalen Wärmewende (DFG-Sachbeilhilfe, Eigene Stelle)
Architektur und Urbanistik - Dr. Hendrik Sander
Previous projects can be found in the Archive.
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