

Kassahun Reta, A., Taube, C., Morgenthal, G.:
Structural condition assessment of cracked RC beams based on digital crack measurements.  Engineering Structures 323 (2025), 119211.


Taube, C., Morgenthal, G.:
Experimental investigation of the biaxial load-bearing and deformation behaviour of wheat straw big bales for construction. Construction and Building Materials 433 (2024), 136630.


Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.:
Quantification of the reliability of concrete slabs subjected to natural fires designed using tabulated values according to Eurocodes. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering (2023). 

Bendalla, A.S.K., Tondo, G. R., Morgenthal, G.:
A nonlinear finite element framework and Gaussian process-based prediction of stick/slip behaviour in semi-parallel wire cables. International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 284, (2023). 

Wang, W., Wang, X., Fu, J., Lu, Z., Zhou, R., Shao, Y., Wang, J., Morgenthal, G.:
A novel frame-type crashworthy device for protecting bridge piers from vehicle collisions. Structures, volt 57, p. 105313, 2023. 

Tondo, G. R., Rau, S., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.:
Stochastic Stiffness Identification and Response Estimation of Timoshenko Beams via Physics-informed Gaussian Processes. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, vol. 74, p. 103534, 2023. 

Tondo, G. R., Riley, C., Morgenthal, G.:
Characterization of the iPhone LiDAR-based Sensing System for Vibration Measurement and Modal Analysis. Sensors 23, no. 18: 7832, 2023.

Vîlceanu, V., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.: Coupled Numerical Simulation of Liquid Sloshing Dampers and Wind-Structure Simulation Model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 240, September 2023

Bendalla, A.S.K., Morgenthal, G.: A Nonlinear Finite Element Framework for Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structural Cables with Deviating Supports. Engineering Structures 291 (2023)

Schwarz, J., Maiwald, H., Abrahamczyk, L., Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G.:  Methoden für digitale 3D-Lagebilder: Erfahrungen aus dem Hochwasser 2021. Bautechnik 100(2023), pp. 1-16

Morgenthal, G., Helmrich, M.: Bildbasierte Erfassung und digitale Dokumentation von Geometrie und Zustand an Eisenbahnbrücken, Bautechnik 100 (2023), Heft 6


Tesfaye, S., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.: Numerical investigation of the nonlinear interaction between the sinusoidal motion-induced and gust-induced forces acting on bridge decks, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 113, August 2022.

Taraben, J., Morgenthal, G.: Integration and Comparison Methods for Multitemporal Image-Based 2D Annotations in Linked 3D Building Documentation, Remote Sensing 14 (Special Issue: Applications of Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry in Civil Engineering and Architecture: Beyond 3D Modeling) (2022), pp. 2286

Taraben, J., Helmrich, M., Morgenthal, G.: Datenmodelle für digitale Zwillinge von Brücken und bildbasierte Zustandsaufnahmen , Bautechnik 99 (2022), Heft 2, pp. 134-142

Simon, P., Helmrich, M., Herrmann, R., Schneider, R., Baeßler, M., Lorelli, S., Morgenthal, G.: Maintalbrücke Gemünden: Bauwerksmonitoring und identifikation aus einem Guss, Bautechnik 99 (2022), Heft 3, pp. 163-172


Taube, C., Hoppe, F., Timmler, H.-G., Morgenthal, G.:  Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum horizontalen Lastabtrag in aussteifenden Strohballenwänden, Bautechnik 98 (2021), Heft 10, pp. 745-757.

Benz, A., Taraben, J., Debus, P., Habte, B., Oppermann, L., Hallermann, N., Voelker, C., Rodehorst, V., Morgenthal, G.:Framework for a UAS-based assessment of energy performance of buildings, Energy and Buildings 250 (2021), pp.111266

Hamdan, A., Taraben, J., Helmrich, M., Mansperger, T., Morgenthal, G., Scherer, R.: A semantic modeling approach for the automated detection and interpretation of structural damage, Automation in Construction 128 (2021), pp. 103739

Taraben, J., Morgenthal, G.: Methods for the Automated Assignment and Comparison of Building Damage Geometries, Advanced Engineering Informatics 47 (2021), pp. 101186



Wang, W., Morgenthal, G., Helmrich, M.: Damage identification of a single RC column subjected to barge impact based on optimization strategies, Ocean Engineering 216 (2020)

Abbas, T., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, I., Lahmer, T.:
Prediciton of aeroelastic response of bridge decks using artificial neural Networks, Computers and Structures 231 (2020), pp. 106198

Taube, C., Timmler, H.-G., Morgenthal, G.: Enhanced Method for the nonlinear structural analysis based on direct energy principles, Engineering Structures 204 (2020)

Kavrakov,I., Kareem, A., Morgenthal, G.: Comparison Metrics for Time-histories: Application to Bridge Aerodynamics, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (2020), pp.04020093

Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.: An extension of pseudo-3D vortex particle methods for aeroelastic interactions of thin-walled structures, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 208 (2020), pp. 104391



Morgenthal, G., Eick, J. F., Rau, S, Taraben, J.:Wireless Sensor Networks Composed of Standard Microcomputers and Smartphones for Applications in SHM, Sensors, Special Issue Selected Papers from 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2018 19(9) (2019)

Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N., Kersten, J., Taraben, J., Debus, P., Helmrich, M., Rodehorst, V.: Framework for Automated UAS-based Structural Condition Assessment of Bridges. Automation in Construction 97 (2019), pp. 77–95

Diana, G., Stovanoff, S., Aas-Jakobsen, K., Andersen, M., Argentini, T., Montoya, C. M., Hermandez, S., Juardo, J. A., Katsuchi, H., Kavrakov, I., Kim, H.-K., Larose, G., Larsen, A., Morgenthal, G., Oiseth, O., Omarini, S., Rocchi, D., Svendesen, M., Wu, T.: IABSE Task Group 3.1. Benchmark results. Part 2: numerical 3-degrees-of-freedom sectional deck model with experimental aerodynamics, Structural Engineering International 30 (2019),  pp. 411–420

Diana, G., Stovanoff, S., Aas-Jakobsen, K., Andersen, M., Argentini, T., Montoya, C. M., Hermandez, S., Juardo, J. A., Katsuchi, H., Kavrakov, I., Kim, H.-K., Larose, G., Larsen, A., Morgenthal, G., Oiseth, O., Omarini, S., Rocchi, D., Svendesen, M., Wu, T.: IABSE Task Group 3.1. Benchmark results. Part 1: numerical 2-degrees-of-freedom sectional deck model with anayltical aerodynamics, Structural Engineering International 30 (2019),  pp. 411–420

Camara, A., Kavrakov, I., Ngyuyen K., Morgenthal, G.: Complete framework of wind-vehicle-bridge interaction with random road surfaces. Journal of Sound and Vibration 458 (2019), pp. 197–217

Wang, W., Morgenthal, G.: Parametric Studies of Pile-Supported Protective Structures Subjected to Barge Impact Using Simplified Models. Marine Structures 63 (2019), pp. 138–152

Kavrakov, I., Legatiuk, D., Gürlebeck, K., Morgenthal, G.: A categorical perpective toqards aerodynamic models for aeroelastic analyses of bridge decks. Royal Society Open Science 6 (2019), pp. 181848

Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.: A partitioned solver to simulate large-displacement fluid-structure interaction of thin plate systems for vibration energy harvesting, Journal of Computers and Structures 224 (2019), pp. 106110



Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.: Aeroelastic analyses of bridges using a Pseudo-3D vortex method and velocity-based turbulence generation. Engineering Structures 176 (2018), pp. 825-839

Wang, W., Morgenthal, G.: Development and assessment of efficient models for barge  impact processes based on nonlinear dynamic finite element analyses. Engineering Strucutures 175 (2018), pp. 617–627   

Chawdhury, S., Milani, D., Morgenthal, G.: Modeling of pulsating incoming flow using vortex particle methods to investigate the performance of flutter-based energy harvesters. Journal of Computer and Structures 209 (2018), pp. 130–149

Hallermann, N., Helmrich, M., Morgenthal, G., Schnitzler, E.: UAS-basierte Diagnostik von Infrastrukturbauwerken – Teil einer digitalen Instandhaltungsstrategie. Bautechnik 95 (2018)

Benz, A., Taraben, J., Lichtenheld, T., Morgenthal, G., Völker, C.: Thermisch-energetische Gebäudesimulation auf Basis eines Bauwerksinformationsmodells. Bauphysik 40(2) (2018), pp. 61–67

Tolba, K. I., Morgenthal, G.: Parallel scalability and efficiency of vortex particle method for aeroelasticity analysis of bluff bodies. Computational Particle Mechanics (2018), pp. 1–14

Kavrakov, I., Argentini, T., Omarini, S., Rocchi, D. Morgenthal, G.:Determination of complex aerodynamic admittance of Bridge decks under deterministic Gusts using the Vortex Particle Method, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 193 (2018), pp. 103971

Göbel, L., Mucha, F., Kavrakov, I., Abrahamcyzk, L., Kraus, M.: Einfluss realer Materialeigenschaften auf numerische Modellvorhersagen: Fallstudie Betonmast. Bautechnik 95 (2018), pp. 1–12

Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.: A Synergistic Study of a CFD and Semi-analytical Models for Aeroelastic Analysis of Bridges in Turbulent Wind Conditions. Journal of Fluids and Structures 82 (2018), pp. 59–85

Morgenthal, G., Rau, S., Taraben, J., Abbas, T.: Determination of stay cable forces using highly mobile vibration measurement devices. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 23 (2018)

Wang, W., Morgenthal G.: Reliability analyses of RC bridge piers subjected to barge impact using efficient models. Engineering Structures 166 (2018), pp. 485–495

Wang, W., Morgenthal, G.: Novel Crashworthy Device for Pier Protection from Barge Impact. Advances in Civil Engineering Vol. 2018 (2018)

Milani, D., Morgenthal, G.: Methods for controlling the local spatial and temporal resolution of vortex particle simulations of bluff body aerodynamics Problems. Computers and Fluids 166 (2018), pp. 225–242



Rau, S., Morgenthal, G.: An assessment framework for sensor-based detection of critical structural conditions with consideration of load uncertainty. Structures 12 (2017), pp. 168–178

Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.: Comparative Assessment of Aerodynamic Models for Buffeting and Flutter of Long-span Bridges. Engineering 3 (2017), pp. 823–838

Wang, W., Morgenthal, G.: Dynamic analyses of square RC pier column subjected to barge impact using efficient models. Engineering Structures 151 (2017). pp. 20-32

Arshian, A. H., Morgenthal, G.: Probabilistic assessment of the ultimate load-bearing capacity in laterally restrained two-way reinforced concrete slabs. Engineering Structures Journal 150 (2017), pp. 52-63

Arshian, A. H., Morgenthal, G.: Three-dimensional progressive collapse analysis of reinforced concrete frame structures subjected to sequential column removal. Engineering structures 132 (2017), pp. 87-97

Tolba, K. I., Morgenthal, G.: Pseudo three-dimensional simulation of aeroelastic response to turbulent wind using Vortex Particle Methods. Journal of Fluids and Structures 72 (2017), pp. 1-24

Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.: Numerical simulations of aeroelastic instabilities to optimize the performance of flutter-based electromagnetic energy harvesters. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29(4) (2018), pp. 479–495

Taube, C., Timmler, H.-G., Helmrich, M., Morgenthal, G.: Coupled thermal and mechanical analysis of composite cross sections using mathematical optimization strategies. Engineering Structures and Technologies 9 (2017), pp. 41-51

Achenbach, M., Lahmer, T., Morgenthal, G.: Identification of the thermal properties of concrete for the temperature calculation of concrete slabs and columns subjected to a standard fire - methodology and proposal for simplified formulations. Fire Safety Journal 87 (2017), pp. 80-86

Abbas, T., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.: Methods for Flutter Stability Analysis of Long-span Bridges: A Review. Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering 170 (2017), pp. 271-310



Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.: Flow Reproduction using Vortex particle Methods for Simulating Wake Buffeting Response of Bluff Structures. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 151 (2016), pp. 122-136

Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G., Müller, A., Unterbuchberger, C.: Zuschrift zu: Toleranzen und Vorhaltemaß der Betondeckung beim Nachweis der Feuerwiderstandsdauer im Massivbau. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 111 (2016), pp. 183–184

Arshian, A. H., Morgenthal, G., Narayanan, S.: Influence of modelling strategies on uncertainty propagation in the alternate path mechanism of reinforced concrete framed structures. Engineering Structures 110 (2016), pp. 36-47

Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.: Framework for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Quantification in the Flutter Assessment of Bridges. Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 43 (2016), pp. 91–105

Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Extension of the Zone Method of Eurocode 2 for Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Standard Fire. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 7 (2016), pp. 82-96



Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Stochastische Untersuchung brandbeanspruchter Stahlbetonstützen. Bauingenieur 90 (2015), pp. 456-462

Morgenthal, G., Olney, P.: Concrete Hinges And Integral Bridge Piers. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 21 (2015)

Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu, D., Schröter, H.: Quality assessment of material models for reinforced concrete flexural members. Structural Concrete 16 (2015), pp. 125-136



Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Nachrechnung von Brandversuchen mit der erweiterten Zonenmethode (Recalculation of laboratory fire tests using the advanced zone method). Bauingenieur 88 (2014), pp. 32-37

Sanchez-Corriols, A., Morgenthal, G.: Vortex-Induced Vibrations on Cross Sections in Tandem Arrangement. Structural Engineering International 24 (2014), pp. 20-26

Morgenthal, G., Sanchez-Corriols, A., Bendig, B.: A GPU-accelerated Pseudo-3D Vortex Method for Aerodynamic Analysis. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 125 (2014), pp. 69-80

Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.: Quality Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Based Visual Inspection of Structures. Advances in Structural Engineering 17 (2014), pp. 289-302

Deeb, M., Abbas, T., Ghorashi, S., Stade, I., Wudtke, I., Zabel, V.: Modellbasierte Schadensidentifikation an Turmbauwerken. Bautechnik – Sonderdruck Modellqualitäten 90 (2013), pp. 82–89

Park, J., Morgenthal, G., Kim, K., Kwon, S., Law, K.: Power Evaluation for Flutter-based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using CFD Simulations. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 25 (2014), pp. 1800-1812

Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Vollprobabilistische Analyse von Stahlbetonwänden unter Brandeinwirkungen. Bauingenieur 89 (2014), pp. 478-486

Keitel, H., Jung, B., Motra, H., Stutz, H.: Quality assessment of coupled partial models considering soil–structure coupling. Engineering Strucrures 59 (2014), pp. 565-573

Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu D.: Integrative Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Semi-Integral Concrete Bridges. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (2014)



Höpfner, H., Morgenthal, G., Schirmer, M., Naujoks, M., Halang, C.: On Measuring Mechanical Oscillations using Smartphone Sensors — Possibilities and Limitation. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 17 (2013), pp. 29-41

Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu, D.: Integral bridges: Sensitivity of limit state modelling. Bautechnik - Sonderdruck "Modellqualitäten" 90 (2013), pp.32-40

Legatiuk, D., Gürlebeck, K., Morgenthal, G.: Modelling of Concrete Hinges through Coupling of Analytical and Finite Element Solutions. Bautechnik 90 (2013, A 1556, Sonderdruck), pp. 49–53

Keitel, H., Stutz, H., Jung, B., Motra, H.B.: Prognosequalität eines Gesamtmodells - Einfluss verschiedener Kopplungsszenarien auf die Interaktion Struktur - Boden. Bautechnik - Sonderdruck "Modellqualitäten" 90 (2013), pp.19-25

Liu, C., Xu, D., Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.: Reinforcement design for the anchorage of externally prestressed bridges with "tensile stress region". Computers and Concrete 5 (2013), pp. 383-397

McRobie, A., Morgenthal, G., Abrams, D., Prendergast, J.: Parallels between the wind excitation and the crowd loading of bridges. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 371 (2013), pp. 20120430-20120446

Morgenthal, G.: Editorial, Proceedings of the ICE. Bridge Engineering 166 (2013), pp.1-2

Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.: Strukturidentifikation und Monitoring mit Smartphone-basierten Sensorsystemen. Bautechnik/Messtechnik im Bauwesen 4 (2013), pp. 25-29

Morgenthal, G., Timmermann, S.: Bridges by Engineers Without Borders - Germany. Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering 166 (2013), pp. 65-75



Morgenthal, G., Höpfner, H.: The application of smartphones to measuring transient structural displacements. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 10 (2012), pp. 1-13

Morgenthal, G.: Geometry Control of Major Bridges During Erection. DVW, Interdisziplinäre Messaufgaben 68 (2012), pp. 41-78


2000 - 2010

Morgenthal, G.,Yamasaki, Y.: (Aerodynamic) Behaviour of Very Long Cable-stayed Bridges During Erection. Proceedings of ICE - Bridge Engineering 163 (2010), pp. 213-224

Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., West, B.: Engineering the Mainspan Construction of Stonecutters Bridge. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 15 (2010), pp. 144-152

Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Schwarz, A.: Engineering the Heavy Lifting of the Stonecutters Bridge Steel Back Spans. Structural Engineering International, 19 (2009), pp. 85-90

Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Yamane, K.: Montageplanung und Herstellung der Seitenfelder von Stonecutters Bridge. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 103 (2008), pp. 766-773

Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Schwarz, A.: The 4000 Tonne Lift of the Stonecutters Bridge Steel Back Spans. Proceedings of ICE - Bridge Engineering, 161 (2008), pp. 197-208

West, B., Sham, R., Morgenthal, G.: Leading edge. Bridge Design & Engineering, 14 (2008), pp. 30-31

Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Yamane, Y.: Engineering the Construction of the Stonecutters Bridge Concrete Backspans. Structural Concrete, 9 (2008), pp. 199-213

Schwarz, A., King, N., Morgenthal, G., Sham, R.: Stonecutters Bridge Heavy Lift. Bridge Design & Engineering, 13 (2007)

Morgenthal, G.: Numerical Analysis of Bridge Aerodynamics. Structural Concrete, 8 (2007), pp. 35-41

Morgenthal, G., Walther, J.-H.: An Immersed Interface Method for the Vortex-In-Cell Algorithm. Computers and Structures, 85 (2007), pp. 712-726

Venetz, C., Schwarz, A., Tapley, M.-J., Morgenthal, G.: Staying Power. Bridge Design & Engineering, 12 (2006), pp. 44

Morgenthal, G., Saul, R.: La passerelle sur le Rhin entre Kehl et Strasbourg (The footbridge across the Rhine between Kehl and Strasbourg). Ouvrages métalliques, Journal of OTUA, France (2005), pp. 8-17

Morgenthal, G., Kovacs, I., Saul, R.: Analysis of Aeroelastic Bridge Deck Response to Natural Wind. Structural Engineering International, 15 (2005), pp. 232-235

Morgenthal, G.: Advances in Numerical Bridge Aerodynamics and Recent Applications. Structural Engineering International, 15 (2005), pp. 95-100

Morgenthal, G., Saul, R.: Die Geh- und Radwegbrücke Kehl-Strasbourg (Foot and Cyclebridge Kehl-Strasbourg). Stahlbau 74 (2005), pp. 121-125

Morgenthal, G., Saul, R.: Best foot forward, Kehl/Strasbourg footbridge. Bridge Design & Engineering 36 (2004), p. 36

Morgenthal, G., Saul, R.: Fuß- und Radwegbrücke über den Rhein Kehl-Strasbourg (Foot and Cycle Bridge Across the Rhine at Kehl-Strasbourg). Stahlbaunachrichten 1/2004, pp. 9-11

McRobie, F.A., Morgenthal, G., Lasenby, J., Ringer, M.: Section model Tests on human-structure lock-in. Proceedings of ICE - Bridge Engineering, 156 (2003), pp. 71-79

Walther, J. H., Morgenthal, G.: An immersed interface method for the vortex-in-cell algorithm. Journal of Turbulence 3 (2002), pp. 1-9

Morgenthal, G.: Synchronisation phenomena in bridge dynamics. The Structural Engineer 80 (2002), p. 20

Morgenthal, G., McRobie, F.A.: A Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis in Long-Span Bridge Design. Wind and Structures 5 (2002), pp. 101-114

Cziesielski, E., Fouad, N., Morgenthal, G.: Rechnerische Simulation der thermisch bedingten Luftströmungen in Gebäuden (Numerical simulation of thermal air currents in buildings). Bauphysik 22 (2000), pp. 378-382


Taube, C., Flohr, A., Morgenthal, G., Osburg, A.:
Experimental Investigations on the Influence of Tailored Preloading on the Creep Behaviour of Concrete and its Variability, 4th fib International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS2024). ICCS 2024. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 573. Springer, Cham.

Flohr, A., Taube, C., Osburg, A., Morgenthal, G.:
Investigation of the Microstructural Behaviour of Concretes Subjected to Tailored Preloading for the Long-Term Performance Optimisation, 4th fib International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS2024). ICCS 2024. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 573. Springer, Cham.

Heller. L., Taube, C., Morgenthal, G.:
Analytical Modelling for the Prediction of the Improved Creep Behaviour of Tailored Preloaded Concrete, 4th fib International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS2024). ICCS 2024. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 573. Springer, Cham.


Vîlceanu, V.,Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.:
Partitioned numerical coupling for vortex-induced vibrations of a slender chimney equipped with tuned liquid damper, 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, August 27 - 31, 2023.

Tondo, G. R., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.:
Aerodynamic force reconstruction using physics-informed Gaussian processes, 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, August 27 - 31, 2023.

Baldin, C. R., Tondo, G. R., Morgenthal, G.:
Parametric design-based aerodynamic shape optimization of tall buildings, 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, August 27 - 31, 2023.

Tondo, G. R., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.:
A physics-informed machine learning model for reconstruction of dynamic loads, IABSE Symposium on Long-Span Bridges, Istanbul, Turkey, April 26 - 28, 2023.        


Vîlceanu, V., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G. : Horizontal acceleration response for wind-sensitive high-rise building equipped with liquid dampers. Proceedings of the 8th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, p. 15-19, September 20-23, 2022, Bucharest, Romania. 8EACWE, 2022, Conspress Edition, ISBN: 978-973-100-532-4

Tesfaye, S., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G. : Numerical investigation of the nonlinear interaction between the sinusoidal motion-induced and gust-induced forces acting on bridge decks. Proceedings of the 8th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, p. 43-47, September 20-23, 2022, Bucharest, Romania. 8EACWE, 2022, Conspress Edition, ISBN: 978-973-100-532-4

Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G. : Modelling of ovalling motion of thin circular shells to investigate the aeroelastic coupled interactions of tall chimneys. Proceedings of the 8th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, p. 399-403, September 20-23, 2022, Bucharest, Romania. 8EACWE, 2022, Conspress Edition, ISBN: 978-973-100-532-4

Tondo, G., Rau, S., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.: Physics-informed Gaussian process model for Euler-Bernoulli beam elements. Proceedings of the IABSE Symposium Prague 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures, May 25-May 27, 2020, Prague, Czech Republic. IABSE, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-85748-181-9

Taraben, J., Helmrich, M., Morgenthal, G.: Bridge Condition Assessment Based on Image Data and Digital Twins. Proceedings of the IABSE Symposium Prague 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures, May 25-May 27, 2020, Pague, Czech Republic. IABSE, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-85748-181-9



Taraben, J., Kraemer, K. Automatisierte Generierung von Stadtmodellen aus UAS-Befliegungen für die energetische Bewertung von Quartieren. 32. Forum Bauinformatik: von jungen Forschenden für junge Forschende: Tagungsband, September 09-10, 2021, Darmstadt, Germany. S. 10-17. [Best Paper Award]

Taube, C. Hoppe, F., Morgenthal, G. Strohballen als lasttragender Baustoff – Aktueller Stand in Forschung und Baupraxis. Die Zukunft des Bauens heute gestalten: Tagungsband 6. Internationaler BBB-Kongress, September 16, 2021, Weimar, Germany. Bauhaus-Universitätsverlag, S. 295-307, ISBN 978-3-95773-298-9



Holst, R., Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.: UAS und KI-Potentiale zur Unterstützung der Bauwerksprüfung von Brücken und Ingenieurbauwerken, 4. Brückenkolloqium - Fachtagung für Beurteilung, Planung, Bau, Instandhaltung und Betrieb von Brücken, expert Verlag GmbH, S. 235-242, ISBN 978-3-8169-8518-1, 2020

Helmrich, M., Morgenthal, G.: Structural parameter identification from image-based acquired information. Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020), June 28-July 2, 2020, Sapporo, Japan. CRC Press, 2021

Taraben, J., Morgenthal, G.: Automated linking of 3D inspection data for damage analysis. Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020), June 28-July 2, 2020, Sapporo, Japan. CRC Press, 2021



Vîlceanu, V., Morgenthal, G., Dominguez, J.M., Garcia-Feal, O., Crespo, A.J.C., Gomez-Gesteira, M. : Simulation of liquid sloshing dampers by coupling of SPH with structure dynamic analysis. 2019 international SPHERIC workshop, Exeter, United Kingdom, June 25-27, 2019.

Thiel,C., Kersten, J., Hese, S., Truckenbrodt, S., Kunz, M., Debus, P., Rodehorst, V.,    Hallermann, N., Eckardt, R.: Comparison of 3D point cloud quality based on image data acquired with various UAV- and camera systems from low cost to professional,  Arbeitskreistreffen des AK Fernerkundung der DGfG, Kiel, 2019

Taraben, J.: A model for building information management of structural inspections. 31. Forum Bauinformatik, Berlin, 2019



Morgenthal, G., Eick, J. F., Rau, S., Taraben, J.: Highly Mobile System Platform for Vibration Measurements in Structural Health Monitoring. 7th APWSHM Conference Hongkong, 2018

Morgenthal, G., Olney, P., Rau, S.: Modeling and Simulation of Measurements for Predicting the Utility of Monitoring Systems. 7th APWSHM Conference Hongkong, 2018

Helmrich, M., Taube, C., Morgenthal, G.: Coupled Thermal and Mechanical Analysis of Composite Cross Sections During Concrete Hydration Using Mathematical Optimization Strategies. 1st International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering – NME, Gent, 2018, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 20. Springer, Singapore

Jakobsen, K., Allsop, A., Kavrakov, I., Larsen, A., Oiseth, O., Argentini, T., Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Svendsen, M., Larose, G., Stoyanoff, S., Kim, H., Hernandez, S., Wu, T., Andersen, M., Katsuchi, H.: Super-long span bridge aerodynamics: first results of the numerical benchmark tests from Task Group 10. IABSE Symposium, Nantes, 2018

Kavrakov, I., Kareem, A., Morgenthal, G.: Quantification of the influence of aerodynamic model assumptions for dynamic analyses of bridges. IABSE Symposium, Nantes, 2018

Taraben, J., Helmrich, M.: Methode zur automatisierten Verortung von Inspektionsdaten aus bildbasierten Bauwerksprüfungen. Forum Bauinformatik, Weimar, 2018

Hallermann, N., Taraben, J., Morgenthal, G.: BIM related workflow for an image-based deformation monitoring of bridges. 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS), Melbourne, 2018

Taraben, J., Brust, P., Debus, P., Morgenthal, G., Tauscher, E.: Approach for the IFC based Integration of Life Cycle Data and Processes in Building Information Models. 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), Tampere, 2018

Taraben, J., Hallermann, N., Kersten, J., Morgenthal, G., Rodehorst, V.: Case study for the integration of geometrical analyses for structural condition assessment in building information models. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 365, No. 2, p. 022054). IOP Publishing, Moskau, 2018

Kavrakov, I., Argentini, T., Omarini, S., Rocchi, D., Morgenthal, G.: An active turbulence generator based on the vortex method for simulation of a complex aerodynamic admittance for bridge decks. CWE Symposium, Seoul, 2018

Kersten, J., Rodehorst, V., Hallermann, N., Debus, P., Morgenthal, G.: Potentials of Autonomous UAS and Automated Image Analysis for Structural Health Monitoring. 40th IABSE Symposium, Nantes, 2018

Achenbach, M., Gernay, T., Morgenthal G.: Verification of a tabulated method of Eurocode for concrete columns using a response surface and advanced methods. SiF 2018 – The 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire FireSERT, Belfast, 2018

Morgenthal, G., Rau, S., Taraben, J., Abbas, T., Hallermann, N.: Determination of stay cables forces using highly mobile measurement devices. 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2018), Melbourne, 2018

Rau, S., Morgenthal, G.: Assessment of MEMS-based sensors for inclinonation measurements. 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2018), Melbourne, 2018


Achenbach, M., Lahmer, T., Morgenthal G.: Global sensitivity analysis of natural fire according to EN 1991-1-2. 15th International Probabilistic Workshop, Dresden, 2017

Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: A manual calculation method for the check of the fire resistance of concrete columns subjected to a standard fire. Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, Manchester, 2017

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G., Kersten, J., Rodehorst, V.: Von der Bauwerksbefliegung mit UAS zu hochauflösenden Geometriemodellen. Messen im Bauwesen 2017 – Mess-verfahren und deren bautechnische Anwendung, Berlin, 2017

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal G., Rodehorst V.: Automatisierte Bildbasierte Erfassung geschädigter Betonbauteile. 4. WTA-Kolloquium Betoninstandhaltung, Erfurt, 2017

Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.: Numerical investigation of flexible beams for electromagnetic energy harvesting under the wakes from upstream cylinder. VII International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Rhode Island, 2017

Taube, C.: Thermisch und mechanisch beanspruchte Verbundelemente - Ein alternativer Ansatz zur nichtlinearen Analyse unter direkter Anwendung von Energieprinzipien. Beiträge zur 5. DAfStb-Jahrestagung mit 58. Forschungskolloquium, Kaiserslautern 2017, pp. 284-294



Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Reliability of Reinforced Concrete Walls Subjected to Standard Fire Using Advanced and Simplified Methods. Structures in Fire - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference, Princeton, 2016

Rodehorst, V., Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G.: Luftbildgestützte automatische Schadenserkennung an Infrastrukturbauten. WTA-Kolloqium, Rapperswil, 2016

Hallermann N., Morgenthal G.: From Aerial Photography to 3-Dimensional Inspection of Bridges. Proc. of IABSE Conference 2016, Bridges and Structures Sustainability – Seeking Intelligent Solutions, pp. 546-553, Guangzhou, 2016

Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.: Simulation of Aeroelastic Instabilities to Evaluate the Power Output of Flutter-based Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters. IABSE Spring Conference, Guangzhou, 2016

Göbel, L., Mucha, F., Jaouadi, Z., Kavrakov, I., Legatiuk, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Kraus, M., Smarsly, K.: Monitoring the Structural Response of Reinforced Concrete Poles along High-speed Railway Tracks. International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Lyngby, 2016

Kavrakov, I.: Numerical Models for Buffeting and Flutter Analysis of Bridges in Erection Stage. Young Engineers Colloquium, Hamburg 2016

Fruchter R., Herzog S., Hallermann N., Morgenthal G.: Drone Site Data for Better Decisions in AEC Global Teamwork. ICCCBE2016, 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Osaka, 2016

Hallermann, N.: Luftbildbasierte Zustandserfassung von Dachflächen und Mauerwerksfassaden. 55. Würzburger Ziegellehrgang, Würzburg, 2016

Kavrakov I., Camara A., Morgenthal G.: Influence of aerodynamic model assumptions on the wind-vehicle-wind interaction. 19th Congress of IABSE - Stockholm, 2016

Kavrakov I., Ibrahim K., Morgenthal G.: Comparative study of semi-analytical and numerical methods for aerodynamic analysis of long-span bridges. 8th International Colloquium BBAA - Boston, 2016

Kavrakov I., Morgenthal G.: Modeling techniques for buffeting analysis of long-span bridges. IABSE Conference - Guangzhou, 2016

Achenbach, M., Gernay, T., Morgenthal, G.: Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Standard Fire: Comparison of an Advanced and a Simplifed Method. Structures in Fire - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference, Princeton, 2016

Hallermann, N.: Fliegende Assistenten. Haustech – Magazin für Bauherren, Planer und Installateure, Nr. 6 (Juni 2016), AZ Fachverlage AG, Aarau (Schweiz), 2016

Achenbach, M., Lahmer, T., Morgenthal, G.: Global Sensitivity Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Walls Subjected to Standard Fire: a Comparison of Methods. 14th International Probabilistic Workshop, Ghent, 2016



Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Reliability of Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Standard Fire. Applications of Structural Fire, International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire & Blast – CONFAB 2015, Glasgow, 2015

Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Recalculation of laboratory tests with the extended zone method. Applications of Structural Fire Engineering - Proceedings of the International Conference, Dubrovnik, 2015

Arshain, A.H., Morgenthal, G.: Alternate Path Sensitivity Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames Using First-Order Second-Moment Method. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Helsinki, 2015

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G., Rodehorst, V.: Luftbild-gestützte automatisierte Schadenserkennung an Betonoberflächen. 2. WTA-Kolloquium Betoninstandhaltung, Fulda, 2015

Chawdhury, S., Morgenthal, G.: Flow Reproduction Using Vortex Particle Methods for Wake Buffeting Analysis of Bluff Structures. ICFMA 2015: 17th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Paris, France, July 20-21, 2015

Milani, D., Morgenthal, G.: Temporal and Spacial Adaptation Strategies in Aerodynamic Simulation of Bluff Bodies Using Vortex Particle Methods. ICFMA 2015: 17th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Applications, Paris, France, July 20-21, 2015

Milani, D., Morgenthal, G.: Adaptive Methods for the simulation of Multiscale Fluid Dynamic Phenomena using Vortex Particle Methods with applications to Civil Structures. PARTICLES 2015: IV International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, Fundamentals and Applications, 28 - 30 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G., Rodehorst, V.: Vision-based monitoring of heritage monuments – Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for detailed inspection and high-accurate survey of structures. STREMAH 2015, 14th International Conference on Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, LaCoruna, 2015

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G., Rodehorst, V.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) – Case studies of vision based monitoring of aging structures. NDT-CE 2015, International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering, Berlin, 2015

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G., Rodehorst, V.: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) – Survey and monitoring based on high-quality airborne photos. IABSE Conference, Geneva, 2015

Olney, P., Morgenthal, G.: Simulating sensor attributes to quantify the utility of monitoring systems. 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMii), Torino, 2015

Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.: Numerical models for flutter stability analysis of long-span bridges. The 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM2015), Weimar, 2015

Morgenthal, G., Ibrahim Tolba, K.: Vortex Particle Method for Aerodynamic Analysis: Parallel Scalability and Efficiency. IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods, 2015

Kavrakov, I., Timmler, H.-G., Morgenthal, G.: Structural Optimization of Composite Structures using an Energy Method. IABSE Conference – Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to global Challenges, Geneva, 2015

Kavrakov, I., Timmler, H.-G., Morgenthal, G.: Structural optimization using the energy method with integral material behavior. 20th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, 2015



Gibbs, M. M., Sipple, J. D., Stauffer, E. J., Jennings, M., Wu, T., Trost, D., Morgenthal, G., Aschermann, S., Kareem, A.: Dynamic Characteristics of Suspension Footbridges: A novel Sensing Approach. 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Barcelona, 2014

Gibbs, M. M., Trost, D., Morgenthal, G., Kareem, A.: Monitoring Dynamics of Suspension Footbridges using Novel Sensing Techniques. Footbridge, 5th International Conference, London, 2014

Ibrahim, K., Morgenthal, G., Chawdhury, S.: Wake flow reproduction in Vortex Particle Methods for simulating buffeting response. 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, 2014

Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.: Numerical models for flutter analysis. The 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, 2014

Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.: Assessment of the Flutter Stability of Bridges using a Probabilistic Approach. 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar 2014

Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G.: Full Probabilistic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Standard Fire. 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, 2014

Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.: Visual inspection strategies for large bridges using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). IABMAS Conference Shanghai, 2014

Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.: Smartphones and Mass Market Microcontrollers for Bridge Monitoring Applications. IABMAS Conference Shanghai, 2014

Ibrahim, K., Morgenthal, G.: Pseudo three-dimensional simulation of buffeting response under turbulent wind. Proceedings IABSE Symposium Madrid, 2014

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G., Rodehorst, N.: Vision-based deformation monitoring of large scale structures using Unmanned Aerial Systems. IABSE Symposium, Madrid, 2014

Morgenthal, G., Olney, P.: New Findings on Bamboo-concrete Composite Slabs. Proceedings IABSE Symposium Madrid, 2014

Olney, P., Morgenthal, G., Lahmer, T.: Model based design of experiments and monitoring systems for parameter identification of structures. Proceedings IABSE Symposium Madrid, 2014



Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.: Quantification of the effects of turbulence in wind on the flutter stability of suspension bridges. The European-African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE2013), 2013

Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.: Quantification of the effects of turbulence in wind on the aeroelastic behaviour of suspension bridges. 13. Dreiländertagung der Windtechnologischen Gesellschaft, Wien (WtG2013), 2013

Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.: Quantification of the Effects of Turbulence in Wind on the Vortex-induced Vibrations. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Kolkata, 2013

Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.: Numerical Analysis of Highly Nonlinear Effects in Bridge Dynamics. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Kolkata, 2013

Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G.: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for the assessment of existing structures. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Kolkata, 2013

Morgenthal, G., Timmler, H.-G., Olney, P.: Full-scale Tests and Nonlinear Numerical Analyses of Bamboo-concrete Composite Slabs. Proceedings of IntConf on Sustainable Built Environment, Hanoi, 2013



Hallermann, N., Morgenthal, G.: The Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for the Inspection of Structures. PLSE Hong Kong, 2012

Morgenthal, G.: Utilising Smartphone Technology for Bridge Monitoring. PLSE Hong Kong, 2012

Park, J., Morgenthal, G., Kwon, S., Law, K.: Power Evaluation for a Flutter-based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using CFD Simulations. PLSE Hong Kong, 2012

Jung, B., Stutz, H., Morgenthal, G., Wuttke, F.: Uncertainty Analysis of stiffness prediction for pile group models. 10th International Probabilistic Workshop, Stuttgart, 2012

Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.: Assessment of Coupled Numerical Models applied to semi-integral bridge. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Seoul, 2012

Morgenthal, G.: The Application of smartphones in bridge inspection and monitoring. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Seoul, 2012

Sanchez Corriols, A., Morgenthal, G.: Vortex-induced vertical vibrations on twin box sections. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Seoul, 2012

Morgenthal, G., Timmler, H.-G.: Bamboo-concrete composite slabs. Proceedings of IABSE Symposium, Seoul, 2012

Sanchez Corriols, A., Morgenthal, G.: Computational Analysis of VIV observed on existing bridges. International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7), Shanghai, 2012

Morgenthal, G., Abbas, T.: Hybrid Models for Assessing the Flutter Stability of Suspension Bridges. International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7), Shanghai, 2012

Jung, B., Morgenthal G.: Global model quality evaluation of coupled partial models for restraint effects in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. 9th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Karlsruhe, 2012

Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.: Assessment of integral bridges using quantitative model evaluation. International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, 2012

Morgenthal, G., Abbas, T.: Model Combinations for assessing the flutter stability of suspension bridges. International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM) Weimar, 2012

Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.: Uncertainty analysis of tension stiffening approaches in reinforced concrete structures for the model quality evaluation. fib Symposium, Stockholm, 2012



Sanchez Corriols, A., Suarez, A., Angel, M., Morgenthal, G.: Estudio de Secciones tandem. Analisis del fenomeno de desprendimiento de vortices en el puente de alconetar mediante simulacion numerica. V ACHE Congress, Barcelona, 2011

Schröter, H., Timmler, H.-G., Raue, E., Morgenthal, G.: Methods for Analysis and Design of Preflex Composite Bridges. IABSE-IASS Symposium, London, 2011

Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Timmler, H.-G., Schröter, H.: Restraint Effects in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures. IABSE-IASS Symposium, London, 2011


2000 - 2010

Morgenthal, G., Sham,R.: Innovative Construction Engineering for Stonecutters Bridge. IABSE Symposium, Bangkok, 2009

Morgenthal, G., Sham, R.: Construction Engineering for Stonecutters Bridge: Concrete Backspans and Steel Deck Heavy Lift. IABSE Symposium, Chicago, 2008

Morgenthal, G., Sham, S.: Erection Stage Buffeting Analyses of Stonecutters Bridge. HKIE International Conference on Bridge Engineering, Hong Kong, 2006

Sham, S., Koehler, C.J., Yamasaki, Y., Morgenthal, G.: Erection Analysis and Geometry Contral for Stonecutters Bridge. HKIE International Conference on Bridge Engineering, Hong Kong, 2006

Venetz, C., Schwarz, A., Tapley, M.J., Morgenthal, G.: A Heavy Lift Scheme for the Erection of the Steel Deck of Stonecutters Bridge. HKIE International Conference on Bridge Engineering, Hong Kong, 2006

Morgenthal, G.: Bridges and Shelter - Structural Engineering for Disaster Relief. IABSE Conference New Delhi, 2005

Katz, C., Kovacs, I., Morgenthal, G.: Dreidimensionale aerodynamische und aeroelastische Analyse der Fußgängerbrücke Kehl-Strasbourg (Three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis of the footbridge Kehl-Strasbourg). D-A-CH-Tagung Baudynamik, Zürich, 2003

McRobie, F.A., Morgenthal, G.: Full-scale Section Model Tests on Human-Structure Lock-in. Footbridges 2002, Paris, 2002

McRobie, F.A., Morgenthal, G.: Risk management for pedestrian-induced dynamics. Footbridges 2002, Paris, 2002

MacKenzie, D., Morgenthal, G., McRobie, F.A.: Wind Shielding of the M4 at Neath. WES 2002, Nottingham, 2002

Morgenthal, G., F.A. McRobie: Aeroelastic Bridge Response Analysis Using A Quasi-3D Extension of the Discrete Vortex Method. 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Kyoto, 2001

Morgenthal, G., McRobie, F.A.: Lock-in Prediction for Bridge Decks Using a Discrete Vortex Method. First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge MA, 2001

Morgenthal, G., McRobie, F.A., Jang, S.-J.: Numerical Models for Bridge Deck Aerodynamics and Their Validation. IABSE conference on Cable-Supported Bridges, Seoul, 2001

Morgenthal, G., Calvi, G.M.: Dynamic Behaviour and Passive Seismic Control of the Rion Bridge. Fourth Symposium on Strait Crossings, Bergen, 2001

Chawdhury, Samir: Partitioned Algorithms using Vortex Particle Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction of Thin-walled Flexible Structures. Dissertation, 2021

Ibrahim Tolba, Khaled: Numerical Simulation of Bluff-body Aerodynamics using Particle Methods in Pseudo Three-dimensional Domain. Dissertation, 2020

Kavrakov, Igor: Synergistic Framework for Analysis and Model Assessment in Bridge Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity. Dissertation, 2019

Milani, Dario: Concepts of Adaptivity for Vortex Particle Methods and Applications to Bluff Body Aerodynamics. Dissertation, 2018

Achenbach, Marcus: Weiterentwicklung der Zonenmethode für den Nachweis der Feuerwiderstandsdauer von rechteckigen Stahlbetondruckgliedern. Dissertation, 2018

Wang, Wei: Development and Assessment of Simplified Models for Dynamic Analyses of Bridge Piers Subjected to Barge Impact. Dissertation, 2018

Arshain, Amir Hossein: Deterministic and probabilistic progressive collapse analysis of reinforced concrete frames. Dissertation, 2018

Abbas, Tajammal: Assessment of Numerical Prediction Models for Aeroelastic Instabilities of Bridges. Dissertation, 2016

Jung, Bastian: Evaluation of Coupled Partial Models for the Assessment of Restraint Effects in Concrete Structures. Dissertation, 2015

Schröter, Hendrik: Nichtlineare Analyse von Verbundelementen auf der Grundlage von Energieprinzipien unter Anwendung der mathematischen Optimierung. Dissertation, 2014

Morgenthal, G., Rau, S., Nowack, M.: Effizientes Bauwerksmonitoring mit MEMS-Neigungssensoren und Mikrocontrollern, Forschungsinitiative Zukunft BAU, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7388-0327-3, 2019

Hallermann, N., Debus, P., Taraben, J., Benz, A., Morgenthal, G., Rodehorst, V., Völker, C., Abbas, T., Gebhardt, T., Daubert, S.: Unbemannte Fluggeräte zur Zustandsermittlung von Bauwerken – Fortsetzungsantrag (F3157), Forschungsinitiative Zukunft BAU, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7388-0381-5, 2019