
Published: 04 September 2023

Engineering Course »Forecast Engineering«: Experimente, Exkursionen, ERASMUS+

Since the 21st August, international students who are enthusiastic about engineering and technology have been participating in Forecast Engineering course of the Faculty of Civil Engineering as part of the Bauhaus Summer School. The focus is on intercultural exchange alongside intensive learning, project work and guest lectures from academia and practice. The two-week program ends on September 1st, 2023 with a public final presentation in lecture hall D at Marienstraße 13.

"In our current intensive course "Forecast Engineering: Virtualisation, Visualisation, and Validation of Urban and Structural Building Responses", complex engineering tasks are processed and scientifically classified using modern methods and tools," explains Junior Professor Dr.-Ing. Lars Abrahamczyk. As part of the project work, the participants work in small groups under the scientific guidance of the colleagues involved, the modeling of large deformations in geotechnics (Prof. Patrick Staubach & employees), the use of polymer-modified concrete (Dr.-Ing. Alexander Flohr) or the non-linear evaluation of masonry buildings (Chair of Advanced Structures).

The summer course is anchored by interdisciplinary and international project work. Participants are tasked with discussing intricate engineering problems and showcasing their solutions in a final presentation to an audience (in English language). The course is enriched with expert lectures, excursions, and social events designed for cultural exchange. Additionally, individual participants are given the chance to share their own research topics. "Our aim is to offer participants a glimpse into current research projects and global development trends in engineering. This provides a comprehensive view of the field and inspires further exploration," says Prof. Abrahamczyk.

The Bauhaus Summer School as well as the summer course offered by the Faculty of Civil Engineering is supported by the ERASMUS+ funding program of the European Union.

You can find more information here!