Design of a Schoolbag – The design of the schoolbag exemplifies which contribution product design makes to the development of sustainable products. Inspired by the vision of Cradle to Cradle® a certain construction and specific materials were chosen to make the product completely recyclable. Based on a market analysis and a qualitative consumer survey it convinces in comparison to a typical German schoolbag due to both, its backpack-like appearance as well as the functionality of a conventional German schoolbag.
Working people need to be very flexible these days when it comes to geographical location. This geographic flexibility and independence has got an influence on our personal lifestyle and changes our definition of "home".
With the help of the concept airmchair 'Hygge' I am trying to offset the negative aspects of an uprooted lifestyle. The airmchair is supposed to act as a stable object in this changing daily life and therewith radiate security, cosiness and stability. As it can be dissassembled easily it can be transported and therewith follow a moving life without a problem.
This modular plant pot system, made from terracotta and glass, integrates nature into urban living space. The pot is optimized for the needs of the plants and for the requirements of the user. It simplifies caretaking and handling by the lightweight material, simple repotting and watering. The ceramic prevents not only stagnant moisture, it also stores and controls the amount of water and assures air circulation. The natural aesthetic and the displayed processes of nature allow aspiration to nature also inside.
As people become part of a landscape with their own body they are invited to rethink their own culturally conditioned habits and get involved with new experiences.
We want to reflect our western rituals at table and encourage discovering a foreign table culture by both, oneself and especially in community and sociability.
A woolen blanket allowing everyone to be a mountain.
The protective gear ‚backup‘ helps to stabilize and support the spine while physically straining work routines. ‚backup‘ supports the blue collar workers spine by preventing from extreme body postures and supporting the dorsal movements while lifting and carrying heavy loads. The integrated and free moving orthosis device allows a complete free movement during normal work routines. In case of physically straining tasks the supportive function can manually be activated by pulling the lever.
“KLARA” is a combination of traditional materials and production techniques of the craftsmen from Thuringia with the technology of modern industrial kitchen hobs. Result is a new conceptual and functional interpretation of a water kettle and a coffeemaker.
The design tries to break up the traditional picture of craftsmanship by contextualizing it into new perspectives to highlight the relevance of the crafts in the modern world.
Drinking enough water is healthy and has a medical effect on the body. Still a lot of people struggle with drinking enough. The product is an assembly of five stacked glasses. It divides the daily amount into smaller portions, which makes it easier to manage. The tallest glass has a lid, which makes it possible to carry around. Every glass has a slightly differed colour to give a feedback on the already consumed amount of water.
Among Chinese people it is said that due to its therapeutic effects food has a special meaning of quality. Nowadays ginger tea is also appreciated in Europe because of its typical fresh and unique pepperiness and its immediately warming effect. Therefore, the knowledge how ginger is to be prepared and used should be published. The thesis shows a ritual product series for storage and preparation of the traditional Chinese ginger-whole cane sugar-water, as well as a new ginger-water-ceremony for Europeans.
Tidiness, clear view and easy access to tools and materials are the golden rules in handcrafts. Due to the modular design of the workbench the work process of creating floral artwork is made easier. As the workbench is mobile and is made for complete disassembling it enables a variable use.
Please have a look into the Lookbook and discover the numerous functions of the workbench. For further information please go to!
In our society eating means much more than just survival. By choosing, preparing and offering food, we shape messages and describe, maintain and begin relationships.
Soup tureen, platter and dessert frames: Three designs standing for this special facet of eating and underlining the intended messages.
Life with depression – The aim of the concept „Paula“ is to support depressed people during their depression. The concept assumes that the depression passes by, more quickly, if the sufferer is willing to deal with the causes. “Paula” will be installed over the bed of the sufferer. In acute situations, a marked rope has to be pulled and a protective shield unfolds. So it provides a mobile retreat. After the subsidence of the depression, the protective shield can be stowed again.
One third of our food depends on the pollination of the bees directly or indirectly. An alarming exodus of bees, that started a few years ago, has led to the point that some plants in parts of china have to be laboriously pollinated by hand.
In the judgement of the German leading bee-expert Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz, the bee in our cultural landscape depends as much on us humans as we depend on the bee.
A floor lamp with diffused light emission, designed due to thinking about working at office. The form of the lamp results from the essential requirements of LED technology. The passive part of the body, which is characteristic for the design, is made from aluminum and enables optimum cooling of the object. Within the context of working at office the lamp offers the possibility to reorganize working spaces in an unconventional way.
Moving up in the world is as desirable as ever. Synonymous for this is an age-old object that also serves as a climbing apparatus: the ladder. A new exhibition examines this versatile object, both as an everyday implement and as a symbol that is applied and extended to cultural issues: “Hailo* there! Alongside the invention of the wheel, it is we climbing apparatuses that have helped mankind to ever greater heights.”
*Hailo is a famous German ladder manufacturer
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