Winterwerkschau 2023: Projects

Doubles. Fabricating the Mixed Real

Project information

submitted by
Aaron Leonard Merten

Xiangyu Su, Aaron Merten, Hannes Hüttner, Nora Jacobsson, Aleyna Akbaba, Pascal Stappen, Johanna Huse, Peiyi Huang, Sarah Reichelt, Louise Richter, Michel Schneider

PhD Thomas Pearce, B.A. Philipp Georg Enzmann

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Product Design (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))

Type of project presentation

Project description

In this project, we dedicate ourselves technologically, conceptually and above all creatively to the idea of "doubles", immersing ourselves in the world of doppelgangers, copies, fakes, reflections, twins, reuses, shadow images, skeuomorphisms, data decay and avatars. The aim is to explore the emergent possibilities of augmented and mixed reality for designers: for the design process, but also for the (digital and/or analog) manufacturing process and the use of products in the age of their technological reproducibility and variability.

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7 - Van-de-Velde-Bau, Raum 007