Winterwerkschau 2023: Projects

A Touch of Data. Designing haptic data physicalisations of personal data.

Project information

submitted by
Rosa Donna van Koningsbruggen

Kalyani Vitthal Auti, Ipek Aydin, Sanghamitra Das, Louisa Hainich, Victor Jose Mahecha Arango, Sri Vaishnavi Nakshatram, Mufleha Ovais, Yara Youssef, Sophie Zaton, Liran Zeligman

professor Eva Hornecker, Hannes Waldschütz, Rosa van Koningsbruggen


Degree programme:
Human-Computer Interaction (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation

Project description

Since the beginning of time, people have been generating data. From cave-paintings and books, to our current smart devices, data play and have played a quintessential role in our everyday lives. Similarly, people have been creating physical data representations –called data physicalisations– for thousands of years. Yet, despite the long and rich history of our data, we have a very one-dimensional view of what counts as data (mostly numerical values) and how to portray them (in easy-to-understand visualisations). However, does this focus on the quantitative and easy-to-understand suit our (personal) data?

This project explores how to represent our data beyond vision, by incoporating active, physical interaction. An exhibition of physical and critical artefacts opens the space for discussions on what data are, how we generate them, and how we represent them.

Files and presentations

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7