Winterwerkschau 2023: Projects

OPEN END Experimental Painting and Drawing

Project information

submitted by
Nadine Fecht

Philipp Fabian Bieronski, Eila Boldt, Fritzi Mathilda Buhtz, Maria Fabricius-Wendt, Margot Fauchon, Frida Förster, Lara Guerra de Quadras, Paula Jänig, Amelie Kazmaier, Johann-Martin Krämer, Antonia Mang, Jakob Elias Meyer, Ana Ruiz de Santa Quiteria Blanco, Lina-Sophie Schilling, Hauke Scholz, Annekathrin Stöckel, Sophie Charlotte Eva Ulrike von Rintelen, Hein Henkel

Prof. Jana Gunstheimer, Nadine Fecht

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Fine Art (Diploma)

Type of project presentation

Project description

The exhibition "Open End" of the experimental painting and drawing class
presents a diverse selection of works that were created individually by
the students of the 2023/2024 winter semester on topics of their own
choosing. The title of the exhibition plays with the ambiguity of the
term by addressing both the process and development of the students and
the diversity and openness of artistic representation.

The works on display range from painting to sculpture to photography and
show the students' broad creative range. The exhibition invites visitors
to embark on a journey through various forms of artistic expression.
Each work tells its own story that deals with the themes and emotions
that inspired the artists.

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building, Ausstellung in Raum 209, 210, 211
  • Marienstraße 14, Ausstellung
