Winterwerkschau 2022: Projects

H. C. BEHRENDTSEN - Ibiza/Heinz

Project information

submitted by
Christian Dähne

Christian Dähne Lisa Zwinzscher Alex Graeff

Jörg Brinkmann

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Media Art and Design - Study programme Integrated International Media Art and Design Studies (IIMDS) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) and Master of Arts (M.A.))

Type of project presentation
– Other –

HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste
Musikfonds e. V.

Project description

H. C. BEHRENDTSEN is an experimental math band from Leipzig/Germany. Their genre-fluid
music favors surf and nineties rock nostalgia – crushed and grinded by some contemporary
composition jamboree – and sprouts out in intricate grooves, eruptive spontaneity and textures
ranging from the uplifting to the bizarre. When performing live H. C. BEHRENDTSEN are adorning
themselves with DIY-creative coding and visual exuberance delivered by a trashy stock of TVs.
Hans Arnold (dr), Konni Behrendt (g), Christian Dähne (b)

Exhibition Location / Event Location

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