Winterwerkschau 2022: Projects

Music in My Eyes | Daydream

Project information

submitted by
Selma Richter

Lisa Maria Mosler, Nino Schmidt

Prof. Burkhart von Scheven, Masihne Rasuli

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Media Art and Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.))

Type of project presentation

Dreilich Band

Project description

"Dreilich" is a 4-piece band from Gotha, around the singer and songwriter Janis Dreilich. They are preparing for the release of their first album, which will be released later this year. We focused on marketing the band and filmed an interview, a behind the scenes video and designed logo and flyer.

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Marienstraße 1b, R 305
  • Marienstraße 1b, R 305
  • Marienstraße 1b, R 305
  • Marienstraße 1b, R 305
  • Marienstraße 1b, R 305