Winterwerkschau 2022: Projects

Destruction as a method

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Project information

submitted by
Frieder Klamt

Jonas Lenz, Marie Koppe, Miriam Dietl, Marie Grund, Nele Jackszis, Frieder Klamt, Johanna Sander, Henriette Truxa, Madlen Wagner, Myriam Körmer, Benedikt Nitzsche, Sebastian Günter, Lea-Marie Weigelt, Lara Mohring-Landsberger

Nina Lundström

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Teaching Qualification (Secondary Education) in Art Education - First or Dual Subject (1st state examination)

Type of project presentation

Der Laden Weimar – Verein für Kunst und Kultur e.V.

Project description

Changing something also means destroying the previous state. This change can be positive and lead to improvements, release new energy. What creative potential lies in the destruction? How can we use this power for our own creativity?
In the project we investigate where the interface between destructive destruction and positive release of power runs. The aim of the project is to break down creative inhibitions and to develop new strategies for artistic creation.


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Files and presentations

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Trierer Straße 5 - Der Laden
  • Trierer Straße 5 - Der Laden
  • Trierer Straße 5 - Der Laden