Lena Vogel was honoured during the »3D Pioneers Challenge« in Erfurt for her master’s dissertation project entitled »algae«, which she completed as part of the product design study programme at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The designer used a 3D-printed sculpture made of clay to explore new ways to cultivate microalgae.
About half of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by algae, which are the oldest plant organisms on earth and at the same time form the basis of life. They are thus an essential source of food and also a versatile and important raw material.
»The ›algae‹ project looks at new ways to cultivate microorganisms in order to design new forms of integration and use,« explains Lena Vogel. »The algae were cultivated directly on a surface and could then be integrated into living spaces, but also into our towns and cities and used in our immediate environment.«
Vogel printed 3D clay sculptures to create a special surface on which the algae could grow. The combination of 3D printing and clay gave rise to entirely new qualities. The special surface texture was deliberately used and manipulated to encourage the growth of algae. With her approach, Lena Vogel impressed the jury of this year’s »3D Pioneers Challenge«, which is an international design competition for additive manufacturing and advanced technologies. Lena Vogel received the »3DPC2023 Winner Best student« award, which comes with prize money of 1,500 euros; she can also look forward to a new 3D printer, the MakerBot SKETCH Large 3D.
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The master’s dissertation project »algae« was supervised by Andreas Mühlenberend (Professor for Industrial Design) and the then artistic associate Susann Paduch from the product design study programme.
The »3D Pioneers Challenge« was held during the »Rapid.Tech 3D« trade fair that took place in Erfurt from 9 to 11 May 2023.
In case of questions, please contact Romy Weinhold, Press and Public Relations Officer for the Faculty of Art and Design (+49 (0)3643 / 58 11 86; romy.weinhold[at]uni-weimar.de).
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