
Our project technic has to cover all the way from input(sensor) to output (actuator). To give the actor freedom, we need a wireless transmission. For this we chose the following hardware, software and our interaction modle.

  • 4x bluetooth-le-module(HM-10) [as beacon: simple distance(RX or RSSI)](0,0)
  • 1x capacity sensor[to start & end flashback-scene](A:0, D:2)
  • 2x IMU(mpu9250)[proj. speed, color & brightness](A: 0, D:2)
  • 1x arduino nano(mit A:6 ,D:13)
  • 1x bluetooth-le-module(HM-10)(A:0,D:2)


Receiver+Computation (pc)
  • Win 10, to use unity3D
  • with ble to receive
  • with hdmi to connect to a beamer/projector
Actuators (beamer, speaker)
  • video
  • projection state
  • flashback intensity, speed, brightness, color



The interaction idea is as follow. The „play“ is structurable into three parts: (1)Intro, (2)story/flashbacks, (3)Outro. Starting at (1), which is somewhat a basic projection state, all we are going to need is a way to switch to (2).  Herefore a simple capasity sensor would be enough to signal the transition to (2).

Since (2) is the main interaction state or rather more the main objective for sensoric, we are going to have most hardware resulting from here. The basic setup is a rectangle out of BLE-Beacons in which the preformer is allowed to move. These four Beacons  basicly represent the four flashbacks. So we now have a rectangle with a flashback asigned to each corner. For the projection, we are going to have one projectionspace on which we are going to project all flashbacks simultaneously, layering them over eachother so to speak. Since the flashbacks are asociable with a location, we are going to use this for our translation. Thought is, depending on the distance from preformer to flashback, the resulting trensformation of the projection is intensified or lowerd. So if the preformer closes distance to a corner, all his/her actions maniulate this corners falshback more then the others. Now the question would be how and in which way  can the preformer manipulat the projection. Basic effect are going to be transparency, speed, color and brightness. These are going to be measured by onbody sensoric. For speed we are going to use an IMU located at the arm. This is going to be used for acceleration and tilt. The faster the preformer moves his/her arm in a cirtain direction, the faster the playspeed will get, vis versa for slowing down. An other IMU will be located on the back of the preformer. Once again with tilt and accereration to measure. This module will be responsible for color and/or brightness as to how the upperbody is located in space. If the preformer is bended forward(darker) or upright(lighter). In adition to the IMU on the back, we are also  installing our cumpotational unit, the arduino nano plus the BLE-module. The BLE-module is going to be responsible for RSSI resival on comercial frequencies and the transmition of your data to our PC.

Lastly we are going to have to be able to switch to (3). Again our capacity sensor will have to fulfill the task.

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