Tutorial: Working with Bluetooth

We are currently trying to establisch a connection between our PC and our Arduino. For this we are trying to use a bluetooth transiever, the HC 05. In our first attempt, we useing the HC 05 as a receiver, which reads input data from our computer.


  • Arduino Uno R3
  • HC 05 Bluetooth
  • Bluetooth capable PC

First things first, we need to setup our devises.  Here the resistors are 100 Ohm each. This is due to the TX/RX needing 3.3V. Also keep in mind, that the RX goes to TX and vice versa.

Once we’ve got the setup, its time for the software. Herefor we are useing Processing on  PC (Win 10) to send and the Arduino IDE for the recieving arduino. Later on we are going to do it the other way around.

Step two would be pairing with the bluetooth device we just hooked up to the arduino. Under Win10 you can achieve it like follows:

  • Step 1: Open your „Options“ pannel and search for „Bluetooth“.  Once done, you will get a list of all available devices in your current area. Select the device you are trying to pair with and press „Pair“.

  • Step 2: Now the pannel will ask you for a password. If defaul it should be „1234“, if this does not work, you can look up/change the password. (For this you have to enter the AT Command Mode of the device. One can do this as discribed in this post:   AT Command Mode )

  • Step 3: Now that you have paired, all you need to know is on which port. For this click on „Extended Options“. it should list the serial ports of your PC. In our case the „COM5“, because it is outgoing.

Now we have a finnished setup and its time for some code. Since our first objektiv is sending data to our arduino, it needs to be able to recieve it. For this code to work move the TX pin to pin 8 and the RX pin to pin 7!

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(7, 8);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  char to_read;
  //while there is a signal from our HC 5
  //print it!
  while (mySerial.available()) {
    to_read = mySerial.read();

In the code above, the arduino recieves data via the Serialports und prints it. The counter part would be the PC sending data via Processing. This looks as follows:

import processing.serial.*; 
//Serial port object: 
Serial arduino;       
final int  baudRate   = 9600; 
final char delimiter = '\n'; 
void setup() { 
  //list all the available serial ports: 
  println("Available Serial Ports:"); 
  //Choose your Bluetooth port:

  //and enter its position here:        🢃                  
  final String portName = Serial.list()[2]; 
  println("\nOpening Serial Port: " + portName);
  //Create instance:  
  arduino = new Serial(this, portName, baudRate); 
  size(500, 500); 
void draw() { 
  background(0);  //window: black 
  text(str(mousePressed), mouseX, mouseY); 
  if (mousePressed) { 

This code was provided by Johannes Deich. What it does is open a window which tracks your current mouse position and when you left-click it writes ‚a‘ to the serialport.

All done, we have now established the connection and are sending information from PC to Arduino!

Now its time for the other direction, PC recieves data sent by the Arduino. The setup is exactly the same, only that now we have an incomming port, „COM4“ (See picture „Step 3“). Connect PC to bluetooth device as shown above and keep the current Bluetooth circuit. Again we are going to work with the Arduino IDE and Processing, since it would be nice being capable to merge both communication ways, since the only diffrence is the sofware code aspect. Here the arduino code looks as follows:

//We are only going to print on 
//our Serialport, nothing else

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for(int i=0; i<9; i++){
    Serial.print("data ");

On the arduino side of things, we only have to print what we want to send on the Serialport. In Processing it looks a little different:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial arduino;      
final int baudRate   = 9600;
final char delimiter = '\n';

String serialStringFromArduino = null;

void setup() {

  //list all the available serial ports:
  println("Available Serial Ports:"); 

  //look on which port your divice is running
  //and enter it here                   🢃
  final String portName = Serial.list()[2];
  println("\nOpening Serial Port: " + portName); 

  //create instance: 
  arduino = new Serial(this, portName, baudRate);

  size(500, 200);

void draw() {

  //render String as text in window
  if (serialStringFromArduino != null) {
    text(serialStringFromArduino, 20, 40);

void serialEvent(Serial arduino) {
  //read string:
  serialStringFromArduino = arduino.readString();

  //remove amongst other things whitespace and carriage return
  serialStringFromArduino = trim(serialStringFromArduino);

Once again we have nearly the exact same code (from Johannes Deich), manly since 95% of it are for the selection of the right port. If one already knows the port on which the Bluetooth device is running, one doesn’t need that part of the code. The rest of the code is just parseing the recieved data String. Vola, all set and done for basic Bluetooth communication.

In contrast to Xbee, WIFI-Feather and NRF technology, the Bluetooth technology makes it easier to connect to the computer(if the computer has Bluetooth). We don’t need a USB-Xbee Shield, a LAN-Router or another NRF-Module+Arduino->connected to the computer.

Enabling the VJ as Performer with Rhythmic Wearable Interfaces


Andreas Zingerle, Tyler Freeman. 2011. Enabling the VJ as Performer with Rhythmic Wearable Interfaces. In MM ’11 Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia Pages 765-766, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA — November 28 – December 01

Summary Andreas Zingerle and Tyler Freeman, authors of this article talk about an experimental wearable controller called VJacket. This jacket is compound with several sensors that detect body movements (bending, touching, hitting) and can send the information to the VJ program.

The main function is to manipulate visual output in a rhythmic way. Sensors are the best option for this because they are small (some are flexible) and can be placed in the body a difference to a mouse and a keyboard that are very rigid. Also sensors in the body are more precise than a mouse if we talk about making rhythmical sound.

With the VJacket the performer will be able to control a video just using his/hers body movements. The authors talk about the maracas-based “rhythmism“, which is a project were the instrument becomes a performance tool. Depending on the speed, and the way it moves, the video may change. The authors are convinced this technology is the future for Karaoke bar, Rock bands and DJs performances (Djs are going to be able to move and walk around the nightclub).

In this article the authors mention that they designed their own Arduino software (Arduino2OSC) to have the chance to use more than one sensor. It is a very interesting software because with it you can adjust the values of the sensor because little by little the can get a little bit damaged after each performance. To avoid replacing them, you just have to change the valued in the code.

Relevance for our project: This article is relevant to our project because it give us the option to explore with Arduino2OSC and think about attaching the sensors in clothes instead of directly in the body. It is also a very interesting article that gives us some inspiration for the project.