Unity: realt-time videomanipulation

Is Unity a solution to manipulate videos in real time?

People used to use Movie Textures, but now the new VideoPlayer is available. So I tried some simple tests.


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Video;

public class player : MonoBehaviour {

 //drag & drop costume-controller:
 public GameObject costume;
 //we will use 2 vid-player
 private VideoPlayer videoPlayer1;
 private VideoPlayer videoPlayer2;

 void Start()
 //get Cam
 GameObject camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");

 //add to videoplayer
 videoPlayer1 = camera.AddComponent<UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer>();
 videoPlayer2 = camera.AddComponent<UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer>();

 //select RenderMode
 videoPlayer1.renderMode = UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane;
 videoPlayer2.renderMode = UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane;

 //set alpha
 videoPlayer1.targetCameraAlpha = 0.5F;
 videoPlayer2.targetCameraAlpha = 0.5F;

 //set absolute path
 videoPlayer1.url = "/Users/Hagen/Documents/unity_projekte/video_2d_test/Assets/vidtest.mp4";//DSC8538.MOV";
 videoPlayer2.url = "/Users/Hagen/Documents/unity_projekte/video_2d_test/Assets/airplane2.ogv";//DSC8538.MOV";

 //we want a flashback-loop
 videoPlayer1.isLooping = true;
 videoPlayer2.isLooping = true;

 //start players!

void Update()
 //edit alpha using the costume controller variables:
 videoPlayer1.targetCameraAlpha= costume.GetComponent<controller>().intens_b;
 videoPlayer2.targetCameraAlpha= costume.GetComponent<controller>().intens_a;

 //edit video speed
 videoPlayer1.playbackSpeed= costume.GetComponent<controller>().speed_a;
 videoPlayer2.playbackSpeed= costume.GetComponent<controller>().speed_b;

By changing the floats intens_a, intens_b, speed_a and speed_b. The video gets more or less transparent and faster or slower. I used simple archive footage:



It already looks very flashback like. For now, I am quite happy that it is manageable to use Unity to real-time play and manipulate videos. The most important functions work already. Later on I will try to manipulate brightness and color. At the moment there is a small problem with the alpha-transparency. I intended to add all the pixels up, to achieve a symmetrical transparency. So if all loops are played in full intensity, we can see all pictures and the result might be quite bright. At the moment, the video players are layered, so we only see the front-player, due to the fact that its transparency is zero. But I guess we can work around this somehow(Maybe we have to use Movie Textures..) Interesting will be, how high our video resolution can be and how many flashbacks can be played at the same time.

The next step will be connecting the arduino(costume) to Unity.

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