Casing 1:
Author: Moritz Neuner
Optimized chainsaw emergency stop:
SKO is only one of many generative design methods. I see the method, as well as the CAD program as a tool, which allows me to produce products with a certain added value. The appeal to the use of SKO, CAD programs and the 3D printer lies in the fact that it is no longer…
After spending the last week with SKO-calculations and generating results, in the second week we tried to interpret the results in CAD and designing several helmets.
Main-Scenarios for this helmet are impacts from the front, rear and side. For example, in street skating there is no protection of the upper region of the head needed, because the maximum height of the fall prevents skaters from falling on top of their heads. To prevent damage to the skull in general, the energy of the impact is spread to a bigger area.
For illustration, the results of the first 3D-calculations show a helmet and a human skull. Furthermore there are shown several 2D-patterns.

This is only the beginning of this Experimentation, things seem to be proceeding as planned.
Shows one 3D-metastructure of the bridge-situations we calculated.
You can see the load-case visualized in colours.