Use the Article’s Title here

Original: Lastname1, 1.*, Lastname2, 2.* & Lastname3, 3.* (year). Title comes here in its full length. Write here italic the Conference Proceedings in which it has been published, p. XXX-XXX.

* Write here only the first letter of the first name!

Authors: Firstname1 Lastname1, Firstname2 Lastname2, Firstname3 Lastname3

Keywords: List here 3 to 5 keywords

Summary: Here comes the abstract. But do not copy & paste it from the article – write down the summary in your own words. Please no more than 3 to 5 sentences.

Main Contents: Here you can write a little bit more about the core information of the paper. E.g. definition or description of specific terms, or list design guidelines & explain them shortly, or a give more detailed information about the technologies used, or decribe which evaluation methods have been applied … You can add pictures with references. But don’t write to much, not everything is important for us. Keep in mind to just give the essence here in 250 to 300 words.

Ideas for costume evaluation: Please mention finally in 2 or 3 sentences how this paper could inspire our own costume evaluation. What shall we adopt? Or is something missing, you would like to introduce in our study?