
1,221 editsJoined 17 March 2010

Jan Dittrich

Everything is best for something and worst for something else – Bill Buxton

I have been student at the Bauhaus University from 2009–2015. Thus I edit here only occasionally. If you want to stay in contact, have a look at my webpage,

I mainly doing interaction design and user research. If I don't I may be busy with javascript programming, statistics, cognitive psychology or lazing in the Ilmpark.

I publish term-wise a collection of HCI-related classes at the uni

If you are bored, feel free to read the bookmarked pages and use the UX document templates

Current Projects

Old Projects

  • User Research for a project on sustainable consuption
  • Literature Research and case studies for my Bachelor's Thesis on intuitive interaction for novel interface paradigms. The Netspeak-Interface Redesign served here as an example of an innovative interface which is nervertheless intuitively usable.
  • Crowdsourcing@mozilla 1, 23: Mozilla Crowdsourcing is a international team of students redesigning Mozilla's outreach to the UX-Designer community.
Interface-Entwurf Netspeak
  • Usability for Search Interfaces: Netspeak Netspeak is a search engine for words in the context of a sentence.While the normal use requires the user to lear a wildcard syntax, the novel design allows just to click on the words in question to get a list of alternatives.
  • IFD:Designing For Action-Werkmodul: Concept for a Werkmodul, teaching the basics of Interaction Design: user research, best Practices, prototyping and testing. Mozilla publishes a series of blog posts about the course: project start
  • Icon Design
  • FirefoxMobile-SmartTabs How can we ease the recognition of webpages by creating good represenations? Was a little project in order to improve the tabs in Firefox Mobile.