Interdisciplinary Study Programme

The interdisciplinary teaching programme

It is part of the founding idea of the Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar that students and teachers from different disciplines interact with each other and that different ways of thinking and working are brought together. Since the centenary of its founding in the 2018/2019 winter semester, this tradition has been further developed in the form of the 'Bauhaus.modules'. Students on all degree programmes at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are given the opportunity to expand their studies with explicitly interdisciplinary courses and thus engage with a wide range of new perspectives, try out collaboration with other disciplines and reflect on their own work.

Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary teaching is a natural part of the curriculum in many degree programmes at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Our four faculties offer interdisciplinary degree programmes, bridge professorships and interdisciplinary courses - important components for research-based, planning and creative project studies.

Under the heading 'Interdisciplinary courses', all those lecturers who expressly want to invite participants from different faculties and degree programmes to their courses present their courses.

The 'Interdisciplinary course programme' is made up of three categories. We distinguish between

  • open courses,
  • academic Bauhaus.modules and
  • student Bauhaus.modules


What is the difference between ‘Open Courses’, ‘Academic’ and ‘Student Bauhaus.modules’?

General information
"open courses""academic Bauhaus.modules""student Bauhaus.modules"

Open courses are a regular part of the curriculum of the respective degree programme for which the lecturer offering the course is originally employed. They are also open to students from other faculties and degree programmes.

The organisation follows the uniform processes and rules of the offering faculty.

  • Specific examination number
  • Specific deadlines and procedures
  • Supervision by the secretariats and/or departments of the offering teacher

Registration with ‘Bauhaus.module’ coordination (UE)

Academic ‘Bauhaus.modules’ are designed as additional cross-faculty and cross-degree programme courses and are therefore not a regular part of the compulsory curriculum.

The organisation follows the uniform processes and rules.

  • overarching examination number
  • standardised bison entry
  • Standardised deadlines for course and examination registration
  • Supervision by ‘Bauhaus.modules’ coordination (UE)

Registration with ‘Bauhaus.modules’ coordination (UE)

Student ‘Bauhaus.modules’ are designed as additional cross-faculty and cross-degree programme courses and are therefore not a regular part of the compulsory curriculum.

The organisation follows uniform processes and rules (see: academic ‘Bauhaus.modules’).

Special features:

  • Mentors act as module supervisors and examiners
  • Review and approval by the allocation committee for funds to promote teaching and learning

Application to ‘Bauhaus.modules’ coordination (UE)


Responsibilities and quality assurance
»open courses«»academic Bauhaus.modules«»student Bauhaus.modules«
The responsibility for the ‘open courses’ lies with the lecturer offering the course or the associated professorship. The opening of the course for students from other faculties and degree programmes takes place after consultation within the degree programme. The respective faculty management will be informed.Responsibility for the ‘Academic Bauhaus.modules’ lies with the teacher offering the course or the associated professorship. The offering teacher informs the faculty management about the planned additional offer and receives organisational support from the ‘Bauhaus.modules’ coordination (UE).

Responsibility for the ‘student Bauhaus.modules’ lies with the mentors. They act as module leaders and receive organisational support from the ‘Bauhaus.modules’ coordination team (UE).

    Special features of the ‘student Bauhaus modules’ 

    Student Bauhaus.modules’ are examined by:

    • the mentors: They decide whether the topic and the teaching concept are convincing and whether they want to take on the supervision for it and act as module supervisors.
    • the allocation committee for funds to promote teaching and learning: It decides whether the topic and the teaching concept are convincing and whether inclusion in the interdisciplinary course programme is approved.
    • the subject-specific study counsellors: They check the possibilities for recognition if individual study and examination regulations do not (yet) provide for an elective area.

    In addition, student lecturers must complete mandatory didactic training before the start of the course. This training is organised by University Development and participation is monitored. The funding approval will be withdrawn if the training is not completed.

    By issuing the mentoring declaration, the module supervisors declare their willingness to support the student teachers:

    • They advise on the development of teaching content and the didactic concept.
    • They provide support in organising a course room.
    • They take over the assessment of performance.
    • They take care of the registration and recording of achievements.

    The student lecturers and module coordinators receive organisational support from the ‘Bauhaus.Module’ (UE) coordination team.

    Registration, recording and recognition of credit points
    »open courses«»academic Bauhaus.module«»student Bauhaus.module«

    ‘Open courses’ are a regular component in the compulsory, compulsory elective or elective area for students of the respective degree programme for which the teacher is originally employed.

    ‘Open courses’ are booked for students of other faculties and degree programmes in the additional area and can be recognised in the elective area. Recognition in the compulsory or compulsory elective area can be checked by the responsible academic advisor. For this purpose, it is recommended that a prior agreement be made for later recognition and, if necessary, recorded in a learning agreement.

    The registration of achievements is carried out by the secretary's office or the chair of the lecturer offering the programme.

    For students of the respective degree programme, the entry of achievements in the POS examination system is carried out by the authorised person or the examination office responsible for the lecturer in charge.

    For students of other faculties and degree programmes, the entry of achievements in the POS examination system is carried out by the authorised person or the examination office responsible for the teacher in charge.

    Study achievements that are completed in an ‘academic Bauhaus.module’ are recorded in the additional area and can be recognised in the elective area. Recognition in the compulsory or compulsory elective area can be checked by the responsible academic advisor. For this purpose, it is recommended that a prior agreement be made regarding subsequent recognition and, if necessary, recorded in a learning agreement.

    The registration of achievements is carried out by the secretary's office or the chair of the lecturer offering the course.

    The entry of achievements in the POS examination system is carried out by the examination office responsible for the teacher in charge.

    Study achievements that are completed in a ‘student Bauhaus.module’ are recorded in the additional area and can be recognised in the elective area. Any further recognition is carried out in accordance with the respective study and examination regulations. To this end, it is recommended that a prior agreement be made on subsequent recognition and, if necessary, recorded in a learning agreement.

    The module coordinators are responsible for registering the credits.

    The registration of achievements in the POS examination system is carried out by the Examinations Office, which is responsible for the module coordinators.

      Teaching performance and teaching load
      »Open courses«»academic Bauhaus.module«»student Bauhaus.module«
      The teaching load of the responsible teacher is credited in accordance with the faculty's internal regulations.The teaching load of the responsible teacher is credited in accordance with the faculty's internal regulations.

      The module supervisor's teaching load is credited in accordance with the faculty's internal regulations.

        Event directory »Bison«
        »open courses«»academic Bauhaus.module«»student Bauhaus.module«

        The entry in the ‘Bison’ course catalogue and the assignment to the category ‘open courses’ within the ‘interdisciplinary courses’ are made by the secretary's office or the departmental administration of the responsible lecturer.

        Course number: The course is assigned a faculty-specific course number.

        Degree programmes: The degree programme for which the lecturer is originally employed is assigned in order to enable students of this degree programme to book courses in the compulsory, compulsory elective or elective area. In addition, the entry ‘all degree programmes’ is assigned to enable students from other faculties and degree programmes to register for courses in the elective/additional area.

        Course and examination registration: Registration and admission to courses and/or examinations are carried out in accordance with the faculty-specific regulations.

        The entry in the ‘Bison’ course catalogue and the assignment to the category ‘Academic Bauhaus.modules’ within the ‘interdisciplinary courses’ are carried out by the University Development Department (coordination ‘Bauhaus.modules’).

        Course number: ‘Academic Bauhaus.modules’ receive a central course number (‘9 number’). This enables allocation to the elective area/additional area.

        Study programmes: The entry ‘all study programmes’ is assigned to enable the booking of courses in the elective/additional area.

        Course and examination registration: Course registration and admission takes place via the ‘Bison’ course catalogue using the ‘Bauhaus.Module’ booking deadline. Examination registration takes place within a specified examination registration period.

        University Development (Coordination ‘Bauhaus.Module’) supports the responsible lecturers in carrying out the course and examination registrations and in maintaining the participation lists.

        The entry in the event directory ‘Bison’ and the assignment to the category ‘Student Bauhaus.modules’ within the ‘interdisciplinary course programme’ is carried out by the University Development Department (coordination ‘Bauhaus.modules’).

        Course number: ‘Student Bauhaus.modules’ receive a central course number (‘9 number’). This enables allocation to the elective area/additional area.

        Study programmes: The entry ‘all degree programmes’ is assigned to enable the booking of credits in the elective area/additional area.

        Course and examination registration: Course registration and admission takes place via the ‘Bison’ course catalogue using the ‘Bauhaus.Module’ booking deadline. Examination registration takes place within a specified examination registration period.

        University Development (‘Bauhaus.Module Coordination’) supports students and module coordinators in carrying out course and examination registrations and in maintaining the participation lists.

        Should I register my course as an ‘Open course’ or as an ‘Academic Bauhaus.module’?

        Academic teaching staff, i.e. professors and academic or artistic staff, can decide whether and how they would like to participate in the "Interdisciplinary Course Programme" at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. They can open up their compulsory courses to students from other faculties and degree programmes, i.e. participate with an "open course". However, they can also offer additional cross-faculty and cross-programme courses, i.e. "Academic Bauhaus.modules". But what are the advantages and disadvantages of deciding in favour of one format or the other?

        QUICK INFO

        • If you want the students of the degree programmes for which you are originally working to be able to attend the course without any problems and have their achievements recognised, then you should opt for an "open course".
        • If you want all participants to have the same conditions of participation because your course deals with a decidedly interdisciplinary topic, then you should opt for an "Academic Bauhaus.module".
        »open courses«»Academic Bauhaus.modules«
        Open courses’ are a regular part of the curriculum of the respective degree programme for which you are the original lecturer. They are also open to students from other faculties and degree programmes.‘Academic Bauhaus.modules’ are designed as additional cross-faculty and cross-degree programme courses and are therefore not a regular part of the compulsory curriculum.

        ‘Open courses’ are a regular component in the compulsory, compulsory elective or elective area for students of the respective degree programme for which the teacher is originally employed.

        ‘Open courses’ are booked for students of other faculties and degree programmes in the additional area and can be recognised in the elective area. Recognition in the compulsory or compulsory elective area can be checked by the responsible academic advisor. It is recommended that a prior agreement is made regarding subsequent recognition and, if necessary, recorded in a learning agreement.

        Coursework completed in an ‘Academic Bauhaus.module’ is recorded in the additional area and can be recognised in the elective area. Recognition in the compulsory or compulsory elective area can be checked by the responsible academic advisor. To this end, students are advised to make a prior agreement on subsequent recognition and, if necessary, to record this in a learning agreement.

        ‘Open courses’ are organised like regular courses of the degree programme or degree programmes for which you are originally working: 

        • As usual, the Bison entries are created by your professorship, department or faculty. 
        • The course is given a faculty-specific course and examination number. 
        • The faculty-specific course and examination registration procedures apply. 

        The following also applies: 

        • Your course must be registered with the Coordination of Interdisciplinary Courses (UE). 
        • Your course must be listed in the ‘Bison’ course catalogue in the ‘Interdisciplinary courses’ section as ‘Open courses’ and advertised on the ‘Bauhaus.Module’ website.
        • In the Bison entry, the item ‘All degree programmes’ is added in addition to the degree programmes for which you are originally active. 
        • In the Bison entry, a paragraph is added under ‘Target group’ that lists all study levels (Bachelor, Master and/or doctorate) and faculties (Architecture and Urbanism, Building and Environment, Art and Design and/or Media) for which you wish to open your course. This entry is based on the information you provided in the enrolment form (see above). 
        • In addition, the currently valid Learning Agreement is linked, which enables students from other faculties and degree programmes to consult their respective subject advisors and make arrangements for the recognition of credit points. 

        ‘Academic Bauhaus Module’ are subject to uniform organisational rules and are supervised by the Coordination of Interdisciplinary Courses (University Development). 

        • Your course must be registered with the Coordination of the Interdisciplinary Teaching Programme (UE). 
        • Based on this information, we will create a Bison entry for you.
        • The course will be given an overarching course and examination number. 
        • Standardised deadlines apply for course and examination registration.
        • You will receive all information on registration and admissions for your course from us. 

        Additionally applies: 

        • No specific degree programmes are assigned, only the position ‘all degree programmes’. 
        • In the Bison entry, a paragraph is added under ‘Target group’ that lists all study levels (Bachelor, Master and/or Doctorate) and faculties (Architecture and Urbanism, Building and Environment, Art and Design and/or Media) for which you wish to open your course. This entry is based on the information you provided in the enrolment form (see above). 
        • In addition, the currently valid Learning Agreement is linked, which enables students to consult their respective subject advisors and make arrangements for the recognition of credits. 
        The teaching load of the responsible teacher is credited in accordance with the faculty's internal regulations.Crediting to the teaching load of the responsible lecturer takes place in accordance with the faculty's internal regulations. Please clarify with your programme director and/or faculty management whether you can count additional interdisciplinary courses towards your teaching load.

        Wer entscheidet über Anträge zur Durchführung »Studentischer Bauhaus.Module«?

        Award Committee

        The decision on the funding provided by the »Bauhaus.Module« Promotion Fund is made by an award committee appointed by the Presidium under the leadership of the Vice President for Student and Academic Affairs. The four faculties have each nominated a representative from the status groups of students, academic/artistic staff and professors.

         studentsacademic/artistic staffprofessors
        A&UJenny OltmannNicolas GoezFrank Eckardt
        CEJannick SchmeesAlexander FlohrChristian Koch
        A&DRichard SchöttPio Rahner Markus Weisbeck
        MSalma Virág Pethö-ZayedLorenzo GinepriniAndreas Jakoby


        Contact Persons

        Prof. Christian Koch
        Vice-President of Academic Affairs
        phone: +49 (0) 3643 / 58 4960
        e-mail: c.koch[at]

        Ronny Schüler
        Coordination "Bauhaus.Module"
        Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43/58 12 63