Evaluation: Interviews and Dance

Test session in Altenburg 22.06.16

We had the possibility to test our costume with two semi-professional dancers from the "Children and Youth Ballet Altenburg." Both of the girls performed one choreography with our costume. While dancing, we video recorded the performance and later on conducted semi-structured interviews to find out more about the wearability, usability, functionality, effect and integration of our costume.

first choreography (dance: breath me)

second choreography (improvisation)


For the evaluation we transcribed the two interviews and analyzed the dance videos. We did a minute-based analysis of the videos to gain further insides into the usability and functionality of the sensors in combination with the dance. Furthermore we clustered the interviews into different categories to find similarities and differences in the statements of the two girls. Later on we sorted the statements regarding our research questions and tried to solve them in the best way.

Remark: We are of the fact that we only analyzed two interviews and couldn't draw conclusions for a broader range of dancers, choreographies or styles of dance.

Research Questions



To answer the questions belonging to the topic functionality we analyzed the dance videos and found out the sensors in the costume worked quit well in the first part of each choreography. The push sensor worked reliable and produced a well-timed output during the whole performance. The stretch sensor instead worked stable in the first part and later on unreliable to not at all in the last part of the first and also the second choreography.

                                 reliable                                unreliable                      not at all

First choreo.:          0:00 - 0:53                            0:53 - 1:42                    1:42 - 1:59           

Second choreo.:     1:33 - 2:13                             2:13 - 3:50                   3:50 - end

The costume worked reliable for several minutes, but different changes in the learning algorithm should be done to make it work even more reliable. The cabling should also be improved due to durability and comfortability of the costume. The battery charging is easy and thus the costume does not need technical support at all. 


Both dancers mentioned that the costume is easy to handle. The costume can easily started by the dancer and can even be dressed and undressed by the dancer herself without any help. Just one girl mentioned that she would like to have something to lean against for balance.

  • "Also ich denke es würde auch allein gehen.."
  • "Ja ich glaube. Also wenn ich da ganz doll aufpasse mit, dann würd ich es hinkriegen."

The technical features are intuitive up to the point that both girls recognized that the light follows movements. The saw the sensors but didn’t really gain technical insides just from using. While dancing the dancers concentrate on their dance and therefore are not able to see themselves and their movements. Since the costume reacts to the dancers movements it is intuitive, the dancer has not to do any special movements. Therefore it could not be used in different ways also because the learning algorithm adapts different movement-ranges.

  • "Also bei verschiedenen Bewegungen hat es geleuchtet. [...] ich habe beim Tanzen eher nach vorne geschaut und mich aufs Tanzen konzentriert."
  • "[...] beim Tanzen muss ich mich ja konzentrieren, was ich mache"


The used fabric was mentioned by both girls to be very comfortable. Only the cabling was some kind of scratchy and could be improved.

  • "[...]von der Bequemlichkeit ist es gut. Also es ist schön elastisch und alles."[...]"...das Piksen war etwas unangenehm..."
  • "Es lag halt schön an. es hat halt nichts geschlabbert und man hat sich aus nicht unwohl gefühlt."

Nevertheless, it is not possible to make any changes in the shape, because of the cabling.


As mentioned before the dancer wearing the costume cannot see the effect, because they concentrate on their dance. But they have experience on a large stage and therefore are able to imaging the effect and its impression to the audience.

  • “Also ich denke, dass es getanzt mit den Lichteffekten schon cool aussah.”
  • “Ich glaube es sieht echt schön aus auf der Bühne beim Tanzen.“
  • “Ich denke auf einer großen Bühne sieht es sogar gut aus, wenn die Bühne dann dunkel ist sehen die Lichteffekte echt gut aus, so von weiter weg. “
  • "[...] dann kommt dann irgendwie zum Beispiel ne bestimmte Melodie und dann macht man den Arm so (streckt Arm)und dann gehen die Lichter so und das ist dann halt son bisschen so durch die Musik auch ein bisschen zum Vorschein kommt, mit dem Licht."

The technical features are not so well understandable. Both girls understood that the light flow was triggered by some special movements. But the use of the costume is intuitive even without a deeper knowledge of the technical features.

  • “Also bei verschiedenen Bewegungen hat es geleuchtet.”
  • “Das die Beine leuchten, wenn man das da drückt hab ich mitgekriegt.“
  • "Also wenn ich am Knie jetzt irgendwie auf die Knie gehe oder dran drücke, dann gehen da so die Lichter hoch und glaub ich dann wieder runter. und am Arm, wenn ich das so ein bisschen strecke, wenn der Stoff sich glaub ich son bisschen..also von der Länge her stretcht, und dann gehen glaub ich auch Lichter an."

We suppose the costume not to add something new to the performance of the dancers. Nevertheless, we wanted to underline movements with the created light flow. In the get-together after the dance session one of the other girls mentioned that the light output of the costume was well-chosen to create this impression.

  • “Leuchtkostüme sind auffälliger als Ton und gut geeignet um Bewegungen zu unterstreichen, da soll man ja eh hinschauen.”


There is no additional rehearsal time needed to use the costume. But it would be better to create a choreograph base on the costume-functions and not vice versa as we did.

  • “Meist entsteht erst der Tanz, dann die Musik und als letztes das Kostüm, es geht aber auch andersrum.”

Nevertheless, the dancers adapt to this kind of costume very well. There is no difference in using a normal costume compared to the interactive one.

  • “Nein es gab keine Bewegung, die ich nicht machen konnte.”
  • “Das es warm geworden ist und das es ein wenig gepikst hat ist Kostümbedingt okay.“

The given choreographies worked quit well with the given in/output and even new choreographies worked quit well (2 dance / improvisation). But the dance should have some danced part on the floor to use the pressure sensor on the knees.