Place: Limona, Glass Building, Steubenstraße 8, 99423 Weimar
Dates: October 25-27th, 2024 from 4-6pm

We hereby cordially invite you to the three part music showcase by Theo Pluto.
About the showcase
The title “Pedagogy Of The Oppressed” is a borrowed from Paulo Freire’s rabble-rousing book of the same title which was also banned in South Africa by the then government. This showcase looks into the critical functions of music as an integral instrument of cultural pride, socio-political awareness and resistance from a pedagogical lens.
Through the medium of sound, Theo Plute will be recreating the Black sonic landscape of South Africa at different chronological indicators during the Apartheid era by way of themed and curated musical sets which reflect the times. Seats to the showcase will be limited but provisions have been made as an attempt to grant the public access to the presentation.
For the showcase, Theo Pluto will be working with the Bauhaus Universites Experimental Radio team to isolate a radio channel frequency and transmit all 3 showcases through the live broadcast medium wihtin the radius of the Limona building where the showcases will be taking place. The public will also get an opportunity to tune into the showcases from their phones through the radio feature.
About the artist
Theo Pluto is a Cultural Geographer, Sonic Curator, Researcher, Archivist, Record Collector and Activist from Soweto (Johannesburg, South Africa). His artistic practice revolves around sensory stimulation where he curates imaginative spaces through sounds that re-examine and re-configure Black Histories in the 3rd Space intersection to bring about awareness on innately shared mental, spiritual and physical experiences amongst the black populace. Historical and political insights are a focal theme in his work where he locates nuanced ideologies that come with creative offerings that live and evolve today through documented firsthand narratives from protest artists in a transitioning Africa and abroad.
Supported by
“The Pedagogy Of The Oppressed” is a three part music showcase which is supported by the Goethe Institute, the Experimental Radio of the Bauhaus University Weimar, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, the House Of World Cultures and the University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar.