
From Medien Wiki
Our RapMan v3.1

The GMU chair's RapMan 3.1 3D printer. This page's intention is to collect knowledge gained with using the RapMan printer. Feel free to edit the subpages. For any questions regarding our 3D printer or 3D printing in general don't hestitate to contact Matthias Breuer. The printer is situated in the 3DIY Lab.

Costs and Materials

We print with PLA, a biodegradable polymer based on corn starch or sugarcanes. Currently we have white/ivory, translucent and green PLA available.

Approx. real printing costs are 0.05€ per cubic centimetre of extruded material. If you need to have something printed contact Matthias Breuer.


  • HowTo — Beginners guide. Learn how to print your own things.
  • Showcase — A selection of projects done with the printer
  • Claystruder — Ceramic extrusion research
