Head of institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft

Participants of the institute b.is members meeting 19of June 2015, photo: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

The Institute

The Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solutions (b.is) aims to strengthen the cooperation of the university´s research teams in Urban Water Management and Sanitation, Resource Management, Transport System Planning and Urban Energy Systems in the areas of teaching, research and consultancy work. This encompasses the further development of degree programmes, joint doctorate colloquia and joint research and development activities.
The institute aims to be a driver for future developments and research activities in the field of infrastructure systems. The research and teaching in this field follows interdisciplinary ideas of creating sustainable design solutions for material- and energy-flows, which are the common focus of the key participating chairs of the institute.

To the b.is belong:

•    Chair of Urban Water Management and Sanitation

•    Chair of Resource Management

•    Chair of Transport System Planning

•    Chair of Urban Energy Systems

•    Visiting Professor Dr.-Ing. U. Arnold