Europe, big cities, peace, and prosperity.
People work less and less every year. Robots have taken over most types of labor. At first, people were scared as they acknowledged that their labor is no longer needed for society, but time has shown that there were no reasons for panic. By that time, poverty was defeated in the most advanced countries, and making a living was not a severe problem anymore.
People are still required to attend school for ten to twelve years to acquire a comprehensive overview of various science fields together with social skills. Different from schools, most people do not continue their education at high schools and universities since specializations do not bring any advantages in life. Some still finish numerous courses on various topics like psychology, media, culture, history, which may be of use in everyday life.
People do not move so often and often live with relatives in rather large communes. Younger ones take care of their older relatives. Sometimes the number of members in one family can get up to dozens. People value spending time together in a family circle.
Some of them invest their time in leisure activities just as previously: they spend time cooking, enjoying good weather outdoors, watching their favorite series with friends, or visiting public events.
Clara lives in Berlin with her parents and grandparents. She has two brothers who live here as well. Clara is living here since she was born but during her last year in school, she realized that family life does not bring her fulfillment and meaning in life.
Some of her friends from school feel the same. A couple of them moved out from the city to a small new settlement since they had realized that they don’t want to waste their time doing the same routine day after day. Life seemed meaningless; it was fun but not satisfying.
They started to engage in personal development. They have decided to devote their free time to creating art. Producing pieces of art became their most significant occupation: some developed their hobbies – painting, writing, and also fixing cars, furniture making, metal forging, building houses.
At first, Clara was shocked when she learned about their decision but soon saw how her friends have changed their behavior. She was amazed that they became energetic and full of ideas almost overnight.
Once on her way home after another evening with her friends she started to think about her current life with the family. She loves them but wishes the other life for herself.
Clara came to the conclusion that she wants to move out and change something in the usual pace of her life.