
From Medien Wiki

In-Depth: Smart Containers

Project by Dianna Mertz

PDF Version

In-Depth: Smart Containers PDF

Presentation Files

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These smart containers are a response to all the rotten food, unnecessary purchases, and special cravings you've ever had. Now you can see what's in your kitchen from where ever you are, just by checking your smart phone.

Product Function

The final product would have a short-distance sensor and wifi chip embedded within the lid of the container. The wifi chip would auto FTP the food data levels by sending the data to the wireless local area network. This info could then be accessed remotely with any web-enabled device, by logging into a secure account.



  • Arduino
  • Sharp GP2D120XJ00F Analog Infrared Distance Sensor 4-30cm
  • Container
  • Computer
  • Mobile Device


Container Prototype



Mobile Prototype



Demo Video

<videoflash type=vimeo>39147257</videoflash>

Live Web Demo

Click here to be routed to the live demo launch page


int sensePin = 1;   // infrared sensor to analog pin
int value;     // value coming from the sensor

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // start the serial port                          

void loop() {
  int value = analogRead(sensePin); // current value of the sensor
  byte scaledVal = map(value, 0, 600, 0, 255); // rescale to send as one byte     
  Serial.write(scaledVal);  //print the distance
  delay(100);  // arbitrary wait time
Serial myPort; // variable for the serial
import processing.serial.*; // reads information coming in through the server via Arduino
int incomingVal; // incoming number value
int r; // example
int b; // example
int q; // example
int o; // example 
void setup(){
  size(255,255); // visualization window size
  myPort = new Serial(this,"/dev/tty.usbmodem411",9600); // my Arduino port
void draw(){
  background(0); // background black for visualization
  while(myPort.available() > 0){
    incomingVal = myPort.read(); // while new data coming in from Arduino, store in variable
  float reVal =map(incomingVal, 51, 255, 0, 255); // rescale the incoming value to the depth of the container
  fill(reVal); // fill the visualization with the rescaled incoming value
  rect(0,height - reVal,width,height); // draws rectangle of the incoming value
  println("Flour:" +(reVal)+ " Sugar:" + r+ " Oats:" + b+ " Pasta:" + q+ " Millet" + o ); // incoming value to be seen in console
  PrintWriter output = createWriter("data/data.tsv"); // send info to external file
  output.println("Flour:" +(reVal)+ " Sugar:" + r+ " Oats:" + b+ " Pasta:" + q+ " Millet:" + o ); // directs which information to be written to new file
  output.flush(); // write the info

(Gets the data from an automatically uploaded file from desktop)

$file_handle = fopen("data.tsv", "r");
while (!feof($file_handle)) {
   $line = fgets($file_handle);
   echo $line;


The Internet of Things Infographic
Reference for Sharp GP2D120XJ00F Analog Distance Sensor 4-30cm
Arduino – Using a Sharp IR Sensor for Distance Calculation
Frederic Gmeiner's Potentiometer Code
The Right Way to Read Files with PHP
Sencha Touch Charts
iPhone 4 PSD template