IFD:All Hail The Pixels/Patterns

From Medien Wiki


"Create three different patterns on paper and formulate these in code with properties using processing"

Please paste your images and processing sketches below:

Rubab Paracha

  • Pattern A

//pattern of sqaures overlapping each other. i tried to use colour and opacity to experiment how layers work in processsing

void setup() {

 size(600, 600);


void draw() {

 stroke (255);
 strokeWeight (1.5);
 rect (30,200, 100,100);
 fill (150);
 rect (100,220, 100,100);
 fill (80, 100);
 rect (170,240, 100,100);
 fill (255,237, 188);
 rect (240,260, 100, 100);
 fill (167, 82, 101, 150);
 rect (310,280, 100, 100);
 fill (254, 190, 126);
 rect (380,300, 100,100);
 fill (254, 190, 126, 120);
 rect (450,320, 100,100);

  • Pattern B

void setup() {

 size(900, 600);


void draw() {

 variableRect(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);


//abs() calculates the absolute value (magnitude) of a number. The absolute value of a number is always positive // and draws a small rectangle if the mouse is moving slowly // and draws a large rectangle if the mouse is moving quickly // random(255) calls the random colours from 0-255 for the different squares //working with opacity to show layering

void variableRect(int x, int y, int px, int py) {

 float speed = abs(x-px) + abs(y-py);
 fill(random(255),random(255),random(255), 190);
 rect(x, y, speed, speed);
