GMU:DIY Bio: doing things with biology/Paola Stephania Calderón/30.10.2018

From Medien Wiki
  • Discussion about Symbiosis.
  • Presentation about projects that used microorganism. Examples with food from Christina Agapakis Bread made with death bacterias and another project with cheese and Transmediale Festival in Berlin 1000 Handshakes
  • Laboratory project, insolation of one bactería from a group of bacterias.

1) Medium preparation for Gluconacetobacter (500ml)

- Glucose - 10g - Peptone - 2.5g - Yeast extract - 2.5g - Na2HPO4 - 1.35g - Citric acid - 0.75g - Distilled or tap water - 500ml - Agar - 7.5g

2) Bacteria insolation, a mixture of original bacteria combuscha diluted in distilled water in different proportions.

1. 5 parts of original bacteria into 50 parts of distilled water 1/10 2. 2 parts of sample #1 into 50 parts of distilled water. 3. 2 parts of sample #2 into 50 parts of distilled water. 4. 2 parts of sample #3 into 50 parts of distilled water. 5. 2 parts of sample #4 into 50 parts of distilled water. 6. Distilled water. control sample
