GMU:Construction - Destruction

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Revision as of 11:57, 5 October 2022 by Chefin (talk | contribs) (→‎Projects)

Construction destruction s+.jpg how DALL·E interprets the topic [1]

Construction and deconstruction processes can be observed in all areas of activity, there occurring as build up and dismantling. Both activities are mutually dependent. In order to be able to build up, another structure must be broken down. These activities indicate the limited availability of space and time, the need to be thought of in cycles. In their respective contexts, they develop meaning, morality, violence, hope. They appear to us in non-ending promises of growth in capitalism, the loss of nature through climate change or massive destructions of wars, but also in the natural decay and the natural growth. We are permanently confronted with the phenomena of construction and destruction and have every reason to reflect on them. In art, Gustav Metzger in his autodestructive art or Mierle Ladermann-Ukeles in her "Maintenance Art" have positioned themselves on this. "Politics of care" also think in a different way about the future. Where do we stand? How do we deal with construction, destruction, poiesis or decay? What processes do we use for our personal research? The project proposes a practical approach to the topic and offers the opportunity to experiment with the different forms of constructing or destruction and to address their mechanisms of action and their impact in their environment.

I'm curious how you are interpreting construction and destruction and where you see the fields of activities for artists, designers and architects.

Besides the fach courses of my co-workers who wil, this semester, Christian Doeller will be assisting us with practical support to develop interactive artefacts within the context of the project.

Meetings in presence Tuesdays at 9.15 - 12.30 the Digital Bauhaus Lab Bauhaus Strasse 7, ground floor. Start: October 18th




Student work (your contributions)