IFD:Programming Interaction - Networked Things

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Title (alt): Programming Interaction - Networked Things
Lecturer(s): Johannes Deich
Credits/SWS: 6 ECTS, 3 SWS
Maximum Number of Participants: 15
Course Language: English
First meeting: Friday, April 10, 3:15 pm
Date: Friday, 3:15 pm - 5:45 pm
Venue: Marienstraße 1b, Projektraum 201


In this course we will focus on sensor networks and their subjected communicative abilities. Understanding the basic structure of a sensor in relationship with a micro controller unit is essential in order to create a language for delivering and receiving information within a network of their equals. Regarding the interconnectivity of shared information, we will create certain use cases and corresponding prototypes that will investigate in more detail the response of given information.

Technical approach

The following technologies and languages will be encountered within the course:

  • WebSocket
  • Node.js (Javascript)
  • HTML
  • Preferably Arduino microcontrollers. Alternatively, these boards can be used as well: Raspberry Pi’s and Beagle Bone Boards
  • Various sensors

Admission requirements

This course will be held in english and is dedicated for master students enrolled in another IFD course offering, or with instructor permission. Basic knowledge of electronics, microcontrollers and software development is required. Furthermore, it is assumed to purchase electronic components, like sensor modules, wires, batteries and so forth (depending on your project).

Registration procedure

Please send your application by email with the 'Programming Interaction - Networked Things' to: johannes.deich (äht) uni-weimar [d0t] de

  • Name, Surname
  • program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
  • matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
  • Valid email address @uni-weimar.de (no other mailing addresses will be accepted) Why?
  • Short sentence on why you want to participate in this course.


Successful completion of the course is dependent on regular attendance, active participation, completion of weekly assignments and delivery of a relevant semester project.

Eligible participants

MFA Medienkunst/-gestaltung, MFA Media Art and Design, MSc MediaArchitecture. Students from other departments will have to ask faculty staff wether credit points can be taken into account or not.


The fist meeting is to be announced shortly. Introduction, Course Organization

Assignments / Reading List

  • Dourish, Paul. Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction. 1. MIT Press paperback ed. A Bradford Book. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004.
  • Greengard, Samuel. The Internet of Things. MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2015.


