Katre: Sponge trip
Two colour-filled sponges spend a day travelling around in a box with a tram. The sponges move around and leave a trace that in a closer look remind a map.
marianne: Nick the easy rider
Henning: Carbon Copy
A package wrapped in white paper wrapped in carbon copy paper.
Henning: Brightness
A package with a photoresistor on top connected to an Arduino Duemilanove and a power supply. The value of the photoresistor is something between 0 .. 255 (1 byte). Data is saved to the EEPROM (1 kB). This results in 17 minutes of logging. The output was created with Processing.
Xinglang: Colored Tracks
A sparkle-shape-paper-ball integrated with colored pencils, which is connected to the lid of the box with a elastic. I took it on a bus, it tracks the movement of bus on all sides inside the box.