GMU:Processing im Park/Rachel Smith

From Medien Wiki

This is the Processing im Park page for Rachel Smith

Homework One


Homework Two


Homework Three



Bubble Sort Code

PImage img; void setup() { size(400, 500); <nowiki> img = loadImage("");

 img.resize(width, height);


void draw() {

 //load on
 color[] pxls = img.pixels;
 //do something with the pixels (remix them)
 for (int y =0; y < img.height; y++) {
   int offset = y * img.width;
   for (int x = 0; x <img.width - 1; x++) {

     //indices for left and right pixel
     int left = offset + x;
     int right = offset +x +2;
     //bubble sort step

if(mouseX < width/2) {

     if ((brightness(pxls[left])) > brightness (pxls[right-1])) {
       color tmpleft = pxls[left];
       pxls[left] = pxls[right-1];
       pxls[right-1] = tmpleft;


   if(mouseX > width/2) {
     if ((saturation(pxls[left])) > saturation (pxls[right-1])) {
       color tmpleft = pxls[left];
       pxls[left] = pxls[right-1];
       pxls[right-1] = tmpleft;
 //update on
 //show on
 image(img, 0, 0);

} </nowiki>