GMU:Wild Type

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Revision as of 08:58, 16 October 2015 by Ms (talk | contribs) (NEWS FLASH)
Gewachsene Schrift
Ein Turing-Pattern Font

Wild Type: Typography ex Natura

Lecturer: Martin Schneider
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Donnerstag, 17:00 - 20:30 Uhr
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 204
First meeting: Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015

Deadline for application: October 18th 2015.


Typography plays a huge role in media art and design. But the tools typographers use on their computers still imitate the 15th century printing press. In "Wild Type" we will get to know tools and programming languages for generative typography. We will learn how to apply parametric design principles to font design, how to evolve fonts with genetic algorithms inside the computer, how to animate them and make them come alive.

We will also learn how to use methods of machine learning and image recognition to identify and generate typographical structures. As part of this course we will also touch upon the field of speculative typography, and develop writing systems that plants and other nonhumans might use in their communication.


Typographie spielt in Medienkunst und -gestaltung eine große Rolle. Allerdings imitieren die Werkzeuge der Schriftgestaltung am Computer noch immer die Druckerpresse aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. In "Wild Type" lernen die Studenten wie man Prinzipen des parametrischen Designs auf Buchstaben anwendet, wie man mit genetischen Algorithmen Fonts im Computer züchten kann, und wie man Buchstaben animieren und zu interaktivem Leben erwecken kann.

Außerdem lernen sie Methoden der automatischen Bilderkennung kennen, mit denen man typographische Strukturen in der Natur entdecken kann. Im Rahmen des Kurses werden wir auch mit spekulativer Typographie in Berührung kommen, und dabei Schriften für die Kommunikation zwischen Pflanzen und anderen nicht-menschlichen Wesen und Mechanismen entwickeln.


The course will be in English, unless all participants are speaking German.

Eligible Participants

Undergraduates and graduates enrolled in the faculties of Media and Design.


  • Basic knowledge of typography
  • Basic knowledge of programming in processing or python


Deadline for application to this course is October 18th 2015.

You need to provide links to previous work to be elligible to this course.

To: Martin Schneider
Subject: Wild Type /// Application

  1. Please provide samples of your work:
    • Links to previous graphical or typography related work
    • Links to at least one computer generated work
  1. Please tell us about you:
    • Program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
    • Matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
    • Valid email address (no other mailing addresses will be accepted) Why?


to be announced



Generative Typography

Exotic Writing Systems