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I have been interested in testing the data visualization possibilities while still trying to understand Unity. As an exercise for a larger project, I built a scene with point cloud data and used the walls of the scan as trigger zone collided with a sound. I used Pcx - Point Cloud dataImporter/Renderer for Unity to import binary .ply point cloud file, downloaded the 3D scanned room and the sound.

Screen Shot.png

Video quality is terrible! particles dont look right and movements are choppy. I just couldnt get a smooth video out of OBC.


Continuing data visualization on Unity, I try to get a multi dimensional graphic extracted from a machine learning algorithm which is a set of language modeling features learning techniques in natural language processing (NLP) technique. It is a two-layer neural networks that are trained to reconstruct linguistic contexts of words. I used an open source algorithm (Word2Vec) which was created, published and patented by a team of researchers by Google in 2013.

I choose a literary work of Jean Baudrillard- Simulacra and Simulation. I used the gensim library’s Word2Vec model to get word-embedding vectors for each word. Word2Vec is used to compute the similarity between words from a large corpus of text. The algorithm is very good at finding most similar words (nearest neighbors), I also tried subtracting and adding words. I am giving an examples to show how the program functions.


This is the graphic which is reduced the dimensions of the Word2Vec space down to x and y coordinates. Every dot represents a word. Dots that are closer together in a space mean that they are similar.


In order to get the 3 dimensional data from Word2Vec, I first reduced the dimensions to 3D then, extract the data as a csv table including x y z coordinates and the corresponding word. In principle, I need to know what Unity needs as input and figure out how I can generate the missing information. First solution was to convert .csv file to point cloud and open it in Unity using point cloud data Importer/Renderer. Here is the result: