GMU:Digital Puppetry Lab: Difference between revisions

From Medien Wiki
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* [[/Martin Schneider|Martin Schneider]]
* [[/Martin Schneider|Martin Schneider]]
* [[/Fiona Mortimer|Fiona M]]
* [[/Fiona Mortimer|Fiona M]]
* [[//EmilioAguas|''Emilio Aguas'']]
* [[//Emilio Aguas|''Emilio Aguas'']]
* [[/Jessica Hüttig|Jessica Hüttig]]
* [[/Jessica Hüttig|Jessica Hüttig]]
* [[/Kan Feng|Kan Feng]]
* [[/Kan Feng|Kan Feng]]

Revision as of 10:03, 15 April 2016

Chinese Shadows by Ferdinand du Puigaudeau

Digital Puppetry Lab — Introduction to the Interactive Performance Platform

Lecturer: Martin Schneider
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Tuesday 19:00 - 20:30 (weekly) + Wednesday 17:00 - 20:30 (biweekly)
         Blockmodul (15. - 17. April)
Venue: Performance Platform, Digital Bauhaus Lab
First meeting: TUESDAY, 12. April, 19:00h

This is a hands on course that is required for project modules by GMU and EXPTV.

 Application is now closed.
 All applicants are invited to the Kickoff meeting at the DBL is on TUESDAY, 19:00h.

Weekend Workshop

Be Prepared

Please make sure to install the software on your laptops at home.
We will start using it right away and have no time for installation during the course.


11:00 - 11:45 Intro to the Wiki Martin
11:45 - 12:30 Intro to OSC, Iannix and Processing Martin
Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:15 Intro to MAX-MSP + Puredata Martin, Benjamin
14:15 - 15:00 Intro to Blender + Unity Luca, Miga
15:15 - 16:00 Intro to Unity I Luca
16:00 - 16:45 Intro to Unity II Luca
10:00 - 12:30 Hands-On Blender Su-Li, Benjamin, Stephan, Luca
Lunch Break
13:30 - 16:00 Hands-On Blender Su-Li, Benjamin, Stephan, Luca
16:00 - 18:30 Hands-On Blender Su-Li, Benjamin, Stephan, Luca
10:00 - 12:30 Hands-On Blender Su-Li, Stephan, Luca + X
Lunch Break
13:30 - 16:00 Hands-On Blender Su-Li, Stephan, Luca + X
16:00 - 16:45 Demo in the DBL Martin, Luca


Das Modul vermittelt die nötigen Grundkenntinisse um interaktive Performances mit Hilfe der Performance-Plattform des Digital Bauhaus Labs zu erstellen.

Nach einem einführende Blockmodul (15. - 17. April) geht es im Rahmen der wöchentlichen Veranstaltung um den praktischen Umgang mit den entsprechenden Software-Werkzeugen und Programmier-Umgebungen.

Am Ende des Moduls sollen die Studierenden in der Lage sein, eigene Setups zu erstellen, die aus menschliche Bewegung, Interaktion, und Tanz immersive visuelle und akkustische Umgebungen erzeugen.


This course will teach you basic skills required to create interactive performances, using the Peformance Platform of the Digital Bauhaus Lab.

By the end of the course you will be able to create your own immersive setup for generating live audio and visuals from human motion, interaction and dance.


The course is in English, because not all participants are speaking German.

Eligible Participants

Undergraduates and graduates enrolled in the faculties of:

  • Media Art + Design
  • Media Architecture
  • Visual Communication
  • Product Design



Applications from students that have signed up for the project modules at GMU or EXPTV, will be favoured, because this course is a requirement for those modules.

To: Martin Schneider
Subject: Digital Puppetry Lab /// Application

  • Name, Surname
  • program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
  • matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
  • Valid email address
  • Your project module


  • First Meeting 12. April (Tuesday)
  • Block-Weekend 15. - 17. April

The syallbus includes:

  • Introduction to the Tracking System
  • Basics of Networking with OSC
  • Basics of 3D-Modelling and Rigging
  • Programming Interactive 3D Graphics
  • Programming interactive Sound in Space


  • 20% Presence and active participation
  • 50% Creation of an interactive setup
  • 30% Documentation on the wiki


to be done
