IFD:Machines in white cubes WS20 21/Sources-16Nov20

From Medien Wiki

Please visit the following link and complete the 6 learner guides about the topic: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z7tp34j

Once you are done with the guides, your task for next week is to describe some selection or decision process from your daily existence in pseudocode or as a flowchart.

Feel free to refer to the Pseudocode Guide available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14x2S42cQ4J20uKRc_2LxrM-u39LE6j3M5FVCdQx5Jg8/edit

More pseudocode examples: https://www.unf.edu/~broggio/cop2221/2221pseu.htm