Welcome back!
Welcome to our fourth alumni newsletter of the Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU) at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar!
Read on to learn more about the alumni meet-ups we had last year, the upcoming alumni events, what our alumnus Gytis is currently doing after completing his Master's degree in European Urban Studies and how you can collaborate with us for future alumni newsletter and stay connected with the IfEU.
What's in this newsletter?
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2023 Alumni Reunions
Last year we set a goal to zoom out a little bit and strengthen the community of alumni students, and reunite with as many of you as we can. And it is with great pleasure that we announce that this goal was successfully achieved! The very long awaited reunions that were so missed during the Covid lockdowns finally happened, and the fact that we had not one, not two, but three whole reunions in one year tells a lot about how much we’ve missed you all!
The first alumni bar night happened in March 2023, we were so excited to see many alumni from EUS 2019 generation back in Weimar and looking forward to having more bar nights like this in the future!
Then we had an opportunity to meet up again in June 2023 during the Urbanistik Alumni Weekend, which was also the time when Alumni Association elected a new board. Just recently in March 2024, we meet again, this time in Chemnitz. We are also really happy to see that alumni trips are coming back, it’s a great way to stay connected and feed on passion about urbanism by learning new things!
The reunion in June 2023 was also combined with the graduation ceremony: it is a celebration and official ceremony that the university threw for those who graduated last year. Those of you who will graduate this year will also have a ceremony like this, so there will definitely be another chance to celebrate and reunite in the Autumn of 2024.

IfEU 20: 20 years anniversary
The IfEU was founded 2004. This year, we celebrate anniversary with a lot of events and exhibitions. Look to the homepage Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: IfEU 20 - Jubiläum (uni-weimar.de) and propose your ideas (see bar4ideas film).
Upload Your Thesis on the Project Platform
IfEU students always work on fascinating topics and subjects, and we want to encourage you to showcase your work, which you now can do it by uploading it on the project platform by following this link: https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/university/profile/experimentbauhaus/
Want to stay connected?
Do you want to stay connected and receive further alumni newsletters in the future?
Please contact us via ifeu.studium@ to be added to the EUS alumni mailing list. archit.uni-weimar.de
Please contact the Urbanistik-Alumni-Verein via urbanistik-weimar@lists.posteo.de to be added to the Urbanistik alumni mailing list.
Please use the following registration form to be added to the general Bauhaus-Universität Weimar alumni network.
Please let us also know, if you would like to unsubscribe from the alumni mailing list.