With faculties and areas of study such as Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design and Media, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has a distinctive identity. Today the University offers an extensive spectrum of instruction with over 40 courses of study, including computer science, design, web design, visual communication, media design, media culture, architecture, civil engineering, materials science, processing technology, environment and management. The term »Bauhaus« stands for an eagerness to experiment, openness, creativity, a close link to industrial practice and internationality.
On 7 November 2011, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar was awarded the distinction »International University 2011« in recognition of its international orientation. Today 30% of the 4,000 students of the university are from outside of Germany.
Owing to its Art and Design tradition, we celebrate the end of the summer semester with our big end of the year show, the summaery, where outcomes of classes, projects and theses work are exhibited, performed and demoed over several days for the public. This includes a big opening party, movie nights showcasing film work from Arts students, and various smaller events. The computing department takes part in this with the 2-day »open lab night«.
Weimar has a long tradition of beginning new things. Student life resembles a contemporary microcosm influenced by the great historic avant-garde; German democracy, the Bauhaus and the Weimar classical era all began here. Despite its relatively small size and picture-book qualities, Weimar is by no means a sleepy, backwater town. And although it’s famous for Goethe, Schiller and the Bauhaus, Weimar has something for everyone – whether you’re an art and culture lover, night owl, sport enthusiast or gourmet.
Weimar is home to numerous events and cultural projects, e.g. temporary showrooms, project workshops, the university gallery »marke.6«, the student-organized soap-box derby SpaceKidHeadCup, a University orchestra, and the internationally known video mapping festival Genius Loci. These are accompanied by the cultural spectrum of Weimar’s large institutions, such as the »Klassik Stiftung Weimar«, the »Deutsches National Theater«, the Buchenwald Memorial, the Goethe House, the Bauhaus Museum and the »ACC Galerie«. For lovers of classical music, the local University of Music frequently has concerts free of charge. There are also four cinemas, several small theatre venues, more than 20 museums and various student clubs and concert events, all of which strengthen Weimar’s reputation as one of Europe’s cultural capitals.
Weimar is small enough that students can quickly get their bearings and reach most destinations by bike or on foot. To find out more about what Weimar has to offer, click >> here - and/or view this cute animation movie about student life in Weimar (in German but gives a sense of the vibe)
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