For the concrete choices of courses on offer for the Modules in the graphic above, see the list below. For the Specialisation Module, students can pick an additional course out of the choices from all 4 modules within the areas 'HCI Fundamentals' and 'HCI Theory'. The Master theses can be supervised in collaboration with academic staff from other disciplines at the University.
Below you see a quick pop-up overview of which courses belong to which module. For detailed information on each course, you find the module catalogue (extended module descriptions) as well as the actual course descriptions in our » Module catalogue
(note: these two classes are offered in alternation, each Summer Semester, so every year there is one course for this Module)
You can take (or must take) one of the courses listed under
- Psychology, - HCI Concepts and Methods, - Visual Interfaces or - Computer Vision,
which you have not utilized for any of these modules or for your Electives. Depending on which of the modules you take this from, it will be counted either towards Specialisation HCI or Specialisation Tech.
In addition, the examination committee may pick additional courses that can be utilized for the Specialisation module. These are listed here:
Design Theory = "Digital Cultures - An Introduction for the Design Professions" (lecture + practical) offered from the Faculty of Arts & Design by Prof. Jan Willmann.
Design Theory I runs in Winter Semester and Design Theory II in Summer Semester. Any of these can be used towards this module.
The 24 ECTS can be accumulated out of (allowed) courses of any size. Allowed Electives are:
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