IFD:Introduction to the photogrammetric process as a tool for rapid prototyping

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Introduction to the photogrammetric process as a tool for rapid prototyping
Instructor: Darko Velazquez
Credits: 6 ECTS, 3 SWS
Capacity: max. 8 students
Language: English
Date: Dienstag/Tuesday, 13:30-16:45
Location: Marienstr. 7b, Room 104
First Meeting: 15 October 2019


In this hands-on course students will learn the basics of photogrammetry and rapid prototyping technologies and workflows as a basis for bridging the transition from the physical world to digital 2D and 3D environments. Participants will work with photogrammetric equipment (namely digital cameras) and specific processes to retrieve accurate geometry and position data in order to recreate objects/scenarios in a virtual three-dimensional space. Closing the loop from digital back to physical, output possibilities will be explored through the experimentation with rapid prototyping technologies such as 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC milling/machining.

Final works are expected to be delivered in the form of functional prototypes, installations, interactive artworks accompanied by a written conceptual and technical documentation.

Basic knowledge in digital photography as well as basics in 3D modelling are required.

Mandatory equipment: High-resolution capable digital camera, such as a DSLR or mirrorless system.

Admission requirements

Concurrent enrollment in another IFD course offering, or with instructor permission.

Registration Procedure

In addition to the enrollment via the BISON portal, candidates are required to send a PDF portfolio including one page motivation letter, stating your interest for the course, current competences and background at: jesus.velazquez[ät]uni[minus]weimar.de


Successful completion of the course is dependent on regular attendance, active participation, completion of assignments, delivery of a relevant semester prototype and documentation. Please refer to the Evaluation Rubric for more details.

Eligible participants

MFA Medienkunst/-gestaltung, MFA Media Art and Design, MSc MediaArchitecture

Syllabus (subject to change)

Coming soon