GMU:Speculative Atmospheres II/Leandra

From Medien Wiki

Kopf Voll

Questions, questions;

I see Water, but can i really sense whats going on underneath the surface? Can I see a small creeks movements? How can I make these motions of water visible?

How can I transform the effect of sun and light into movement ?

How do shadows and reflections romanticize and distort our perception/vision?

Inspiration/what I like:

- Tele-present Wind - David Bowen


- Andy Goldsworthy


- Sound of Rain and wind File:schnee.mp3

- Reflections and shadows

      File:VID_20211206_152046_LS.mp4 File:VID_20211206_182739_LS.mp4


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  Under my umbrella.   Sing me a song mister windmill



Visualization: click the picture to play the gif ! Shapes and forms that show the waters movement.

