GMU:Principia Textilica/Meryem Kubra Uluc

From Medien Wiki

Meryem Kubra Uluc


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Origami Pattern De-Code and Producing Experiment With Fabric

Initial analysis of square pattern




Possible Variations Experiment with Fabric

Target of the Experiment

In the art of origami the paper has two different characteristics, some parts are softer other parts that are transporting the forces are harder. Starting from this logic in this project it is aimed to change the quality of the fabric by introducing new materials to the fabric surface. So that we can produce different qualities on the fabric surface.

Firstly i started with gluing cardboard and metal sticks on the surface according to one selected pattern. Since the material is not flexible enough to give the easy movement the experiment did not give the clear results.

For the second experiment I select relatively less complicated pattern to test with paper and fabric. I applied the pattern on the fabric and fold step by step. As a result i find out fabric is working with paper better than cardboard and metal wires. It is easy to fold and the traces of the folded pattern gives clues for the second-third folding

As a result producing Origami tessellations by fabric is not as easy as paper producing. I wanted to put this tessellations as an inspirational examples that paper folding that i produced as a comparison between AtlasBindung-Körperbindung and other kind of binding variations.


Fabric & Cardboard & Metal


Pattern Analysis and Variations with Grasshopper

Initial pattern



  1. In order to produce the pattern firstly there should be triangular grid as a reference(at the background).
  2. According to pattern we wish we are creating a pattern with 0 and 1 (meaning pick or not pick)
  3. This pattern as a list is being an input for the “repeat the data” command tiling in x and y direction
  4. Since there is shift in every line the list will be shifted in every step 7 times
  5. The created (shifted list) and existing triangular grid dispatched and the obtained curves united
  6. To differentiate the inner and outer curves(frame) there is a small mathematical rule (if the number of vertices bigger than 5 take it or dont take it) applied.
  7. As a result curves are being connected.
