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'''Schematic and Curcuit:'''
'''Schematic and Curcuit:'''
The Curcuit of my board can be seperated into three different parts.
The power supply that consist of a nine volt battery that provides the entire curcuit with enough power and a switch with wich you can join and break the powerline connection to the curcuit, so the LEDs turn on and off.
The second part is curcuit is for blinking LEDs using transistors. This typ of curciut is called an "Astable Multivibrator Curcuit" and in this case it is powered by the nine volt battery.
The voltage on the left side of "C2" controls transistor "Q1B" and voltage on the right side of "C1" controls transistor "Q1A".
When the power source of the curcuit is turned on it charges the two capacitors "C1" and "C2".
They will alternate between being charged and discharged and by doing this they turn the transistors on and off.
When transistor "Q1B" turns on, it changes the voltage of "C1" so that "Q1A" turns off.
By turning on "Q1B" allows current to flow through it so that the LED "D1" lights up. It stops beeing lit when "Q1B" is turned off.
After a short while, the voltage of "C1" rises up again and turns on the transistor "Q1A".
When transistor "Q1A" turns on, it changes the voltage of "C2" so that "Q1B" turns off.
By turning on "Q1A" allows current to flow through it so that the LED "D2" lights up. It also stops beeing lit when "Q1A" is turned off.
This keeps repeating as long as the power source is connected to the curcuit.
The resistors "R2" and "R3" have the funtion to slow down the charging charging of the two capacitors, so that the transistors only turn on and off at a moderate rate and the LEDs blink alternately instead of lighting up constatly.
The Resistors "R1" and "R4" are only there to set the current through the LEDs.
The third part is much simpler than the second on. It only consists of four LEDs and four resistors. Above each LED a resistor is connected to it. The resistors regulate the voltage that flow into the LEDs. if these LEDs are submited to to much current they will burn out.
Here is the link to the website that I used as research. It explains the "Astable Multivibrator Curcuit", from this schematic I build up my curcuit.
1x 9 Volt Bettery
1x SMD Slider Switch
8x SMD Resistors
2x Capacitors
1x SMD Transistor
4x SMD reverse mount LEDs white
1x SMD reverse mount LED blue
1x SMD reverse mount LED red