GMU:Https:// Bio: doing things with biology/Sirin Unmanee/30.10.2018 : Isolating Bacteria from Kombucha, Growing Physarum polycephalum (2nd attempt) and others&action=edit&redlink=1

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Revision as of 20:53, 30 October 2018 by S.Unmanee (talk | contribs)

Here is list of ingredients to prepare 500 ml of liquid Gluconcetobacter medium

Glucose - 10 g Peptone - 2.5 g Yeast extract - 2.5 g Na2HPO4 - 1.35g Citric acid - 0.75 g Distilled or tap water - 500 ml Agar - 7.5 g

However, in this case, I needed just 100 ml, so, everything is divided by 5.

I dissolved