GMU:Habitats SS18/Leoni Fischer

From Medien Wiki

„Nothing is motionless in the eyes of the rhythmanalyst. He hears wind, rain, thunderstorm. In observing a pebble a wall or a tree he precieves the slowness of movements of these objects. Their movement is slow only in proportion to our time, our bodies, our rhythms.“

//Kurt Meyer, Rhythms, Streets, Cities

For Euglena Time i am doing experimentation around 5 main correlations that define the concept of rhythm:

mechanical and organic - merging technological and natural, linear and circular time repetition and difference - understanding Euglenas circular rhythm of time continous and discontinous - studying the unique rhythms of each Euglena culture discovery and creation - observing the rhythms of Euglena and creating a habitat for them

The goal is to create an hourglass as one of the oldest technological, linear timepieces which forms a habitat for Euglenas natural, circular rhythms of time.


Ambrogio Lorenzetti via Wikimedia commons

Euglena is a micro organism that does photosynthesis and therefore is attracted by light. In my experiments I study this phototaxis (orientation by light). For doing so I try to influence their behavior in relation to different light situations.