GMU:DIY Bio: doing things with biology/Sirin Unmanee/08.12.2018 : Growing Bacteria for my Project

From Medien Wiki

In this document, I attempt to capture the shape of each bacteria that I'm cultivating, using them as a reference for my project[1] Then, I will generate graphic visuals from their electric capacity, based on their form.

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08.12.2018 - 11:30 Bacteria from Kombucha with Gluconcetobacter medium under the microscope

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08.12.2018 - 11:30 Bacteria from Kombucha with LBP medium under the microscope

Then, I worked with bacteria form dialy life stuffs, smartphone and doorknob. The result is interesting, because they produced a different form even I cultivated them with the same medium. The bacteria from smartphone formed tiny yellow dots, which is quite the same as a yellow bacteria form Kombucha, while the bacteria from door knob formed diffuse white dots all over the medium's surface.

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02.01.2019 - 13:30 Bacteria from a smartphone with LBP medium

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02.01.2019 - 13:30 Bacteria from a door knob with LBP medium

Also, I worked with fungus, which are mold from a bread and the mushroom. I used a simple Agar medium but with a little portion of yeast.

I left my bread for about 3 weeks until it is completely covered by mold. At the beginning, I only expected the green mold which can be normally seen, but there is also a yellow mold.

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The type of mold that most commonly appears as yellow is Aspergillus.

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02.01.2019 - 15:30 yellow and green mold from a bread

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02.01.2019 - 15:30 mushroom