GMU:Connecting Max to the World/Sirin Unmanee/Homework : 24.10.2018 Working with udpreceive

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Homework : 24.10.2018 Working with udpreceive

Today I’ve learnt about the OSC protocol, and how to send and receive data over OSC (I used SoundCool for iOS), so I tried to play some music together with “my computer”.

Below is the result. I set a sequence for the song’s bassline (using patch from the 1st homework) then I connected my iPhone to the program to play the chords by myself.

Max Flie : File:hg02sirin.maxpat

Nan2-01.jpg Nan2-02.jpg

Here is the like of the video :

I use this [1] Piano key frequencies table as a reference, however, I adjusted the tone up one octave, since the frequency were too low.

Original song : Kavinsky - Nightcall : [2]