GMU:Algorithmic Art/Baiyao Lin

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Algorithm for Humans 1 & Algorithm of Manuel — 19.10.18

Result Algorithm
  1. Superimposed results of the Introductory Algorithm. By executing the algorithm, each participant of the class created a unique personal sign, based on their own name.

Introductory Algorithm

2. Executed algorithm of Manuel, called Arccry, inspired by 'Farcry' and the arcs presented.

Algorithm Practice 1 — 26.10.18

Result Algorithm
  Work of László Moholy-Nagy.

Result Algorithm
  8 horizontal parallel equidistant fillet wavy lines, 30mm from the upper and lower boundaries of the paper, each height of 20mm. 8 equidistant vertical parallel zigzag lines, 30mm from the left and right boundaries, each height of 10mm. And these two kinds of lines would form many individual spaces, each space should contain one square in the center. The side length of the squares gradually increases from the center of paper to its boundaries, the innermost's length is 2mm and the outermost's is 6mm.
-thx Lorenz

2D Grid Structure — 2.11.18

Result Algorithm
Error creating thumbnail: convert convert: Unrecognized option (-layers). Error code: 1
2D grid structure with rotate.


Algorithm Practice & HGP 2 — 9.11.18

Result Algorithm
    Practice with array.

File:Float array tryout.pde
Result Algorithm
   Oval Misinterpretation
Jeff & H37EA stellar system

1.Draw a square of 140x140mm, in counterclockwise direction, each side take the line from 10mm to 130mm.
2.Each 10mm distance set a dot, draw a line to connect the 10mm dot of square left line with the 10mm dot of the bottom line, repeat until the 130mm dots of both lines are connected. There will be 13 new lines.
3.Among the new lines, take the 4th line(with 40mm at both ends) and there are 12 cross points with the other new lines, use these 13 points to connect the 13 dots of the square right line, the toppest point connects with the toppest dot, till the most bottom point and dot are connected.
4.Like the 3rd step, take the 10th line, use the 13 points on it to connect the 13 dots of the square top line, the most left point connects with the most left dot, till the most right ones.
5.The graphic will be kind of a net, pick 17 crosspoints/dots inside the square randomly(whichever you like) and mark them with the chosen order numbers.
6.Draw a line to connect No.1 with No.7, mark the middle of the line, draw randomly a small ellipse on it and give a name to the ellipse.
Now find No.2/8/9, connect them with a handdraw oval which needs to contain the ellipse inside. Repeat withe rest groups of No.3/10/11, No.4/12/13, No.5/14/15, No.6/16/17. Give a name to this stellar system.

-thx Tobias

Algorithm Practice & HGP 3 — 16&23.11.18

Result Algorithm
  Practice with noise/cos/matrix.

Result Algorithm
num[in]-num[out]|, get off the bus at the (n)th stop. Write down the time you get off as (y)[yyh:yym:yys].
*Now check your compass on the phone, use the bus' leaving direction to record the compass direction as (z)[N, E, S, or W].
*Turn the time (x), (y) into coordinate, eg. 24h:24m:24s ->24°24'24". Caculate a new coordinate(nx, 2my), nx as altitude, 2my as longitude. If the bus stop(b) is to the north of (a), set altitude as |nx|, and set as -|nx| if south. So you can check on northern or southern hemisphere; If the bus number is even, set longitude as |2my|, and set as -|2my| if it's odd, so you can check on the east or west to the 0° longitude line.
*Look up the new coordinate on google map, if it is in a city, write down the city and country name, if it's not in a city, use the direction(z) to look for the nearest city on this direction, write down the names.